3 New Frappuccinos That Prove Starbucks in Asia Has the Best Drinks

Starbucks has released three new Frappuccinos in Asia that will have you saying, "Please bring these to the US!" The new flavors are Irish Cream Coffee Pudding, Matcha Earl Grey Jelly, and Banana Split. These are essentially the Summer Starbucks drinks of our dreams, and suddenly our go-to Frappuccino order sounds a little sad in comparison.

Not only does Starbucks Japan have Frappuccinos topped with chocolate cake, but Starbucks locations all around the world have better and more unique menu items than you'll find in the US, and this is further proof. The three new Frappuccinos are available for a limited time at participating Starbucks locations across Asia. Read on to see what's in each new Frappuccino, and try to pick a favorite — it's nearly impossible!

Irish Cream Coffee Pudding Frappuccino

Irish Cream Coffee Pudding Frappuccino

Coffee pudding in a Frappuccino?! Sign us up. This unique Starbucks drink features a coffee pudding base infused with Irish cream flavor, and it's topped with espresso whipped cream and ground espresso powder.

Earl Grey Jelly Frappuccino

Earl Grey Jelly Frappuccino

Green tea is the base of this vibrant Frappuccino, and "Earl Grey tea is transformed into a delightful jelly layer," according to Starbucks's description. Topped with whipped cream and matcha powder, this is the not-too-sweet Frappuccino tea drinkers will love.

Banana Split Frappuccino

Banana Split Frappuccino

The next best thing to ordering an ice cream sundae at Starbucks is trying the Banana Split Frappuccino, which has strawberry whipped cream with banana and mocha flavors blended together and is topped with vanilla whipped cream. As if that didn't sound good enough, the beverage is topped with crunchy waffle pieces.