Woman Gets Dumped Right Before Her Wedding, Does Something Badass

After nearly four years together, Shelby Swink and her ex-fiancé decided to tie the knot. She planned every little detail of the big day for months on end and assumed the best day of her life was in her sights. But, five days before the wedding, her fiancé sat her down and told her he did not want to marry her, essentially leaving her at the altar. Instead of being overcome by the pain, Swink decided that she wasn't going to let her ex-fiancé's mistake get the best of her. The bride, who originally shared her story on Offbeat Bride, put it like this:

"I was in complete shock and had no idea what to think or do. I was numb . . . As the day that was supposed to be my wedding day approached, none of us knew what to do, think, or feel. I knew that a pity party was the farthest thing from what I wanted or needed. A few people brought up the idea of trashing the dress, and at first it sounded crazy."

But the more she thought about it, the more Swink realized that trashing the dress might be the most freeing thing she could possibly do. With the support of her bridesmaids and parents, a little Champagne, and a lot of paint, they got to work.

"The moment the paint hit my dress . . . I was free. All the disappointment, all the hurt . . . I just felt it leave me. I can't even describe how liberating and cathartic the experience was for me. I let go of all the hurt and became myself again."

Her dress is being displayed at The Barefoot Bride in Memphis, TN, where a portion of the proceeds from each wedding dress purchased is currently going toward a nonprofit that fosters inner strength and self-empowerment in women. See the awesome, kick-ass photos for yourself!