15 Signs That You've Found Honest-to-Goodness "True Love"

How do you know when it's true love? You just know. OK, beyond that answer, there are certain signs that make it completely obvious that you and this person are just meant to be. It's that feeling in your bones that you know this person makes your life inexplicably better, even during the rough times that every couple experiences over the course of their relationship.

Whether it's that comfortable silence or the complete feeling of trust, true love is such a gift that one must never take for granted, abuse, walk away from, or disrespect. Because if these signs ring true for you . . . you're one of the lucky ones.

When it's just easy to be with someone.
Pexels | Quintin Gellar

When it's just easy to be with someone.

When the pieces fit right and you're able to be yourself completely, it's true love.

When the silence isn't awkward.
Kelley Deal Photography

When the silence isn't awkward.

If you can be comfortably silent together and feel at total peace, that is love right there. There's nothing like the ability to just be quiet, yet comfortably so, with a spouse or partner.

When you stop making it a long-distance relationship and make the big move.
Meghan Mehan

When you stop making it a long-distance relationship and make the big move.

Moving for someone is major, especially if you are making a big move to be with the person. Taking that chance is a sign that you feel this person is worth taking a risk for.

When your special someone is sick and you're by their side.
Unsplash | rawpixel

When your special someone is sick and you're by their side.

Through sickness and in health . . . if you noticed, sickness comes first. That's because life won't always be a bowl of cherries. If the two of you are by each other's side during sickness, it's love. Truly and utterly.

When you still have that attraction after the initial courting period has passed.
Feather + North

When you still have that attraction after the initial courting period has passed.

The spark may not be as intense as it was when you first met, but I disagree that every marriage or partnership turns into a lackluster affair down the line. If you're really in love, that attraction will always exist, even if it's not as passionate as the early days and even if sometimes the bedroom romps are quick or a bit dull. Ultimately, there will still be those moments when you just feel that flame, years later.

When you need this person's input because you respect his or her opinion.
Inner Song Photography

When you need this person's input because you respect his or her opinion.

You need to know what they are thinking when it comes to big and little decisions. You really value this person's views and respect your partner so much that you check in.

When you celebrate this person's achievements with serious pride.
Liv Hefner Photography

When you celebrate this person's achievements with serious pride.

A partner who loves you to no end will be your biggest cheerleader. That person will be on the sidelines even when you're covered in dirt, telling you to get back up and do it. True love means wanting your partner to succeed 24/7.

When this person makes your "candle" brighter.
Shutter Sprite Photography

When this person makes your "candle" brighter.

The right partner who truly loves you for you always makes your candle brighter. This person brings out the best in you. A good partner will never try to dim your brightness.

When the person isn't threatened by your need to be an individual.
Kesha Lambert Photography

When the person isn't threatened by your need to be an individual.

When you can ask for alone time or pursue hobbies on your own and your partner's feathers aren't ruffled, you know it's true love. Your partner respects and wants you to be an individual and doesn't feel the need to micromanage you because you're in a loving and healthy relationship.

When one of you completely crumbles and your love still goes on.
Unsplash | Asdrubal luna

When one of you completely crumbles and your love still goes on.

We all have dark moments, and if our partner can handle us and still love us when we are weak, that is a true sign of love. It is not always easy to see people at their worst, so if you have a partner who has seen you at your worst and still embraces you, that is the gift of love.

When the language of your relationship goes from "I" and "you" to "we."
Unsplash | Mahkeo

When the language of your relationship goes from "I" and "you" to "we."

When the two of you shift the discussions from "I" and "you" or "me" language to "we" and "us," the relationship is becoming really real. Suddenly, the unit matters more than the two parts. Only love can make two become one.

When the fighting isn't dirty.
Swak Photography

When the fighting isn't dirty.

Hate to break it to you, but all couples fight. If you fight too much, that's awful, but if you never fight, that could also be a warning sign that you're sweeping issues under the rug. You know it's true love, however, when the two of you fight fair and clean — not dirty. The respect level is so high that when you argue, neither one of you is slinging mud or calling names. You may raise your voice, yell, or get red in the face, but you're not nasty.

When sex and affection are pleasurable and exchanged often.
Kayla Coleman Photography

When sex and affection are pleasurable and exchanged often.

When sex isn't used as a bargaining chip or seen as a chore, and when both parties are affectionate toward each other, even if it's just a kiss goodbye every day or a hug, that's true love. People who love each other generally want to be intimate, and it is not a hassle. It's cherished, even if time for sex gets restricted by kids or life.

When you accept your partner's flaws and don't criticize them for them.
Unsplash | Jurica Koletić

When you accept your partner's flaws and don't criticize them for them.

When someone spends a lot of time criticizing or tearing away at a partner, he or she can't really love that person! A person who really loves you may not be thrilled about a flaw of yours, but they accept it and know that your flaws are what make you human and lovable.

When that person's happiness is so crucial to you.
Pexels | Godisable Jacob

When that person's happiness is so crucial to you.

If your partner's happiness matters so much to you that you go out of your way to make them smile, it's love. When you can't stand the thought of your partner upset, it's true love.