Watch Samantha Bee Unleash an Epic Rant About Our Country's Gun Laws

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Samantha Bee has had it with the rhetoric surrounding gun rights. In the aftermath of the Orlando, FL, mass shooting, she appeared on her show Full Frontal With Samantha Bee to unleash a pointed and cathartic rant about the tragic recurrence of shootings in the nation.

Bee started off the segment by acknowledging the usual expressions of sorrow that are used in times like these, however, she quickly moved away from that when she said, "You know what? F*ck it. I am too angry for that. Love does not win unless we start loving each other enough to fix our f*cking problems."

In the seven minutes that followed, the Daily Show alum touched on everything from the recent normalization of mass shootings to Florida Governor Rick Scott's refusal to address the issue of gun control. Bee got particularly heated after rolling a clip of Marco Rubio's statement after the shooting. He said, "This could've happened anywhere in the world. Unfortunately, today it was Orlando's turn," to which Bee replied, "Orlando's turn? Mass shootings are so normalized now that we're taking turns."

Watch the expletive-laden clip, above, in which she also manages to refer to an AR-15 rifle as a "high-capacity penis substitute." And if you're feeling fired up, here's how to contact your representative.