7 Simple Ways to Get Out of a Funk

POPSUGAR Photography | Maria del Rio
POPSUGAR Photography | Maria del Rio

You know those days when you're just feeling inexplicably weird? Nothing really excites you, you're kind of irritable, and bed just sounds really, really nice? You're not sad but you don't quite know what triggered it exactly or what the fix is — till now. Fortunately, there are simple remedies to quickly get you out of your funk. Look to the following seven tips and you'll get out of your slump in no time.

1. Handwrite a thank-you note to a friend, family member, or co-worker.

A handwritten note — not a text — is always more appreciated. Showing gratitude will be a nice pick-me-up for you and put things into perspective.

2. Look through old photos.

One of the best feelings is coming across an old memory that you completely forgot about. Nostalgia and possibly your next #TBT equal a double win.

3. Make a playlist and listen to it.

Shutting out the world with music can be therapeutic and taking the time to discover new favorites will have you feeling excited and inspired.

4. Do something active.

A little fresh air and sweat is one the most effective ways to bring you back to your normal self. So go for a run or a walk or try a new fitness class if you're feeling adventurous.

5. Unplug and take a bath.

FOMO, annoying Facebook rants, old acquaintances you should've deleted years ago — social media can feed your bad mood, so put it on "do not disturb" and soak in some bubbles.

6. Call an old friend or family member you haven't talked to in a while.

Reconnecting with somebody will get you back up to speed on their lives and remind you of fun times. It'll feel nice talking to them after some time of absence and you'll probably get some laughs out of it.

7. Take a nap.

Sometimes, all you need is a little break. Knock out for a quick power nap and wake up feeling refreshed.