Only Hardcore Sleepers Will Be Able to Understand These 13 Struggles

We all have that friend — JK, it's us — who needs to get in their daily 10 to 12 hours of beauty sleep in order to function. You don't text or call them before a certain hour to avoid jeopardizing your friendship, and if they are awake in the morning for some godforsaken reason, you know to keep your distance. The fact of the matter is, chronic dozers don't sleep, we hibernate. If you're a hardcore sleeper, then you'll totally be able to relate to these 13 things.

Naps are like coffee — you gotta have at least one a day.
Youtube | Kanaal van dutch8Gangster

Naps are like coffee — you gotta have at least one a day.

When you wake up and have no idea what day it is.

When you wake up and have no idea what day it is.

You always look like you just rolled out of bed . . . because you did.
Youtube | beyonceVEVO

You always look like you just rolled out of bed . . . because you did.

You get tired zero to 100 real quick.
Tumblr user supermeningunlugu

You get tired zero to 100 real quick.

When you're out with friends but all you can think about is bed.
Cartoon Network

When you're out with friends but all you can think about is bed.

You seriously get mad when anyone wakes you up before noon.
Universal Pictures

You seriously get mad when anyone wakes you up before noon.

When you wake up the next day and it's dinnertime.
Warner Bros.

When you wake up the next day and it's dinnertime.

You can nap anywhere, anytime, no problem.
Vine user Vine Beats

You can nap anywhere, anytime, no problem.

The person who sleeps the most gets f*cked with the most.
Columbia Pictures

The person who sleeps the most gets f*cked with the most.

When people ask how you sleep so much but you take it as a compliment.

When people ask how you sleep so much but you take it as a compliment.

You are dead serious about sleeping in on the weekends.

You are dead serious about sleeping in on the weekends.

Nothing makes you happier than sleep.

Nothing makes you happier than sleep.