What Your 2016 Goals Should Be Based on Your Astrological Sign

PSA: 2016 is still fresh, and even if you've already abandoned your resolutions (right there with ya), there's plenty of time to kick these months into high gear. The best part? We've got the perfect curated goals based on your horoscope — because you don't need to wait for the alignment of the stars to have your most dazzling year to date.



March 21 to April 19

Life: Patience isn't your strongest suit, so use this time to learn the beauty of relaxing and waiting. Try practicing meditation once a week.

Work: Take on that leadership role you've had your eye on — you'll thrive in your element.



April 20 to May 20

Life: You're a little possessive, so learn to loosen your grip on friends, family, and partners — your relationships will flow more smoothly. Take up a hobby to distract yourself from the urge to possess.

Work: Become a mentor for the office newbies. Your patience and reliability makes you a great fit for the role!



May 21 to June 20

Life: You're plagued by nervousness, so take up an exercise class that centers you and relieves you of the jitters. Hot yoga, anyone?

Work: Ask for more responsibility (and a pay raise!) from your boss. You're a quick learner, so you'll rise to the occasion in no time.



June 21 to July 22

Life: As a pessimist, you often find yourself looking at the glass as half empty. Time to switch your perspective — there's much to appreciate! Every night, write down the day's happiest moment on a slip of paper, and place it in a jar as a practice of gratitude.

Work: You're highly imaginative, so spearhead a new creative project at the office.



July 23 to Aug. 22

Life: Your stubbornness is a major hinderance in your relationships. Work on letting things go and apologizing more frequently — it's okay to let the other person win sometimes.

Work: You enjoy feeling admired, so leap on the big promotion this year. As the boss, you'll see many heads turning.



Aug. 23 to Sept. 22

Life: You're a bit on the shy side, so aim to make new friends by going out more in 2016. Netflix on Fridays is fun, but creating new connections is better.

Work: You tend to overwork yourself, so be sure to take your full lunch breaks this year — and leave at a reasonable hour.



Sept. 23 to Oct. 22

Life: You avoid confrontation at all costs, which can seriously damage your relationships. Work on speaking up in tough situations, no matter how uncomfortable it may be.

Work: Plan a few fun outings with your teammates. As a social butterfly, you'll flourish.



Oct. 23 to Nov. 21

Life: You've got trust issues — make 2016 the year you address them. Little by little, let loved ones in, and you'll reap the benefits.

Work: Research making income on the side. Your resourcefulness will come in handy.



Nov. 22 to Dec. 21

Life: Sometimes your promises are bigger than what you're able to deliver — in 2016, break the habit of flaking on friends and family. Never say what you don't mean!

Work: Your wanderlust is unquenchable, so take a couple weeks off for the trip you've always been meaning to take.



Dec. 22 to Jan. 19

Life: If someone tells you you're being condescending, you (probably) are. This year, pay attention to your tone of voice and the words you choose.

Work: With all your self-discipline, you'd be a fab manager. Don't pass up the opportunity when it happens by!



Jan. 20 to Feb. 18

Life: You tend to hide your emotions, and you come off as aloof to friends and family. Practice tapping into your feelings and expressing yourself as often as you can.

Work: You're independent and sufficient, so look into self-employment.



Feb. 19 to March 20

Life: It's easy for you to get sad, so eliminate the gloomy moments by surrounding yourself with optimistic friends. And read these feel-good books!

Work: You're all about visual media, so go for jobs within the communications field.