21 Simple Life Hacks From Reddit

POPSUGAR Photography | Mark Popovich
POPSUGAR Photography | Mark Popovich

When it comes to arbitrary advice, Reddit knows what's up. Thanks to threads like Life Hacks and Life Pro Tips, the site's users have blessed us with random tricks for anything you may encounter in this world. Check out the 21 useful yet utterly simple hacks ahead.

Pillow Hack
POPSGUAR Photography | Lisette Mejia

Pillow Hack

Use large, cozy t-shirts as pillowcases if you happen to be washing them overnight.

Cheap Flights Hack
Flickr user Esteban Alvarez

Cheap Flights Hack

Put your browser in incognito mode to find the cheapest flights, because websites may change prices if they know your search history.

Haircut Hack
POPSUGAR Photography | Larkin Clark

Haircut Hack

If you get a haircut you really love, take a picture of it, so you can show the hairdresser exactly what you want next time.

Lunch Hack
Reddit user Redventuresox2

Lunch Hack

Always forgetting your lunch? Put your keys in the fridge. The next morning, you're guaranteed to remember.

Bird Feeder Hack
Flickr user Derek Keats

Bird Feeder Hack

Use a plastic bottle to make a bird feeder.

Highway Hack
Imgur user FukNGrvN

Highway Hack

Not sure which side of the road your exit's on? Check the small exit sign on top of the larger road sign. If it's on the left side, your exit will be on the left side of the highway.

Work Environment Hack
POPSUGAR Photography | Mark Popovich

Work Environment Hack

Looking to interact more with fellow employees? Keep a bowl of mints or candy on your desk. Your co-workers will stop by to grab a goody, which sparks conversation.

Onion Hack
Imgur user syncroblackz

Onion Hack

Don't waste money buying extra green onions! Just put one in water, and it will grow.

Tie Hack
Flickr user Chris Brown

Tie Hack

If it's windy outside and you're wearing a tie, slip a coin down into the hem of it to keep it from blowing everywhere.

Email Hack
POPSUGAR Photography | Benjamin Stone

Email Hack

If you discovered something on the internet you never want to forget (such as a picture or article), email it to yourself. Write a short description, and include any key words in the subject line so it's easy to pull up when you need it.

Dish Hack
Imgur user ToeFungus

Dish Hack

Don't feel like washing the dishes . . . ever? Cover your dish with plastic wrap before placing food on it.

Paint Hack
Imgur user blacknotekeys

Paint Hack

Use an ice cube tray to keep your paint colors separate.

Homework Hack
Flickr user Kelly Teague

Homework Hack

Keep all your graded papers in a folder. Professors make mistakes when putting your grades in the system, so you should always have your assignments on hand as proof if need be.

Pants Hack
Imgur user --NiNjA--

Pants Hack

If you need to dry your pants, turn them inside out and place them on a hanger with the pockets splayed out.

Sunscreen Hack
Flickr user Tom Newby

Sunscreen Hack

Can't reach your back when applying SPF? Squirt your sunscreen onto plastic wrap, and rub it on your back like you would a towel.

Earbuds Hack
Imgur user Slightly_Tender

Earbuds Hack

Put a bread tie over the cords of your earbuds to keep them from getting tangled.

Hotel Hack
Imgur user HarryPickles

Hotel Hack

Since hotels are full of germs, cover the remote with a plastic baggie before using.

Exhaustion Hack
Flickr user m01229

Exhaustion Hack

Feeling tired? You may just be dehydrated. Drink a glass of water instead of guzzling coffee.

Paper Cutter Hack
Imgur user chordnine

Paper Cutter Hack

Put a straight, long object like a ruler, pen, or straw in front of the paper cutter blade to see where it will cut.