6 Reasons Having a Roommate Is Actually the Freakin' Best

If you have a roommate, whether it's by choice or necessity, it's only natural to think about eventually branching out on your own. Unless it's your best friend (and sometimes that can be the biggest test of a relationship), sharing space with someone can be . . . complicated. It's hard to adjust to living in the same space as someone else without having as much privacy as you'd like. However, regardless of the potential limitations on freedom, there are so many benefits to having a roommate! For instance, they offer company and teamwork when it comes to chores. And who doesn't want to take turns emptying the trash, right? If you're considering getting a roommate or need a little boost about your current roommate situation, here are a few reasons why it's pretty freakin' great.

You'll Make New Friends
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You'll Make New Friends

If you get along nicely with your roommate, you'll most likely also get along with their friends. The result? Your circle of acquaintances, friends, and possible love interests widens. "Even if you don't get along with your roomie, there's bound to be at least one or two 'good apples' you can get along with," Dr. Ree Langham, psychologist at Parenting Pod, told POPSUGAR. "So, either way, you get to meet cool new people, make awesome new friends, and maybe even have out-of-this-world experiences."

You Can Save Money
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You Can Save Money

Having a roomie can really help improve your financial situation. Split the bills on home needs and groceries, and you'll be saving money fast. "Groceries, rent/mortgage, cable, furniture, internet services, and even gas bills are halved, which is nice when you think about it," Langham said. "What happens next? Bills become a little less painful and you have more money in your pocket."

You Might Get Career Opportunities
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You Might Get Career Opportunities

Having a roomie might be great for networking and future career possibilities. Or they might have connections or know people who can land you the job you've always wanted."If your roommate has a great job, you may be able to snag a similar one at the same company," she explained. "The end result? Job success — and more money, of course."

There's Someone to Listen to You
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There's Someone to Listen to You

One of the best things about having a roommate is that you always have someone to vent to. "If your coworker annoys you — tell it to your roomie. If your partner is being a jerk — tell it to your roomie. If you feel sick and no one seems to care — tell it to your roomie," she said. One note: if your roommate is close to these people, be careful about oversharing or spreading too much negative information, as it can backfire.

There's Safety in Numbers
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There's Safety in Numbers

Having a roommate can make you feel safer. "This is especially true if you work an evening job and hate coming home from work in the dark," Langham continued. "It can be scary to enter an empty, dark apartment or house." But if you have someone there and they come home before you or at the same time as you, you'll feel less anxious about going home at night.

You'll Do Half the Chores
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You'll Do Half the Chores

In addition to spending half on rent and bills, you're also doing half the housework. Those chores add up! With a roommate, you can take turns on doing dishes, taking out the garbage, doing laundry, and more. It'll save time and energy and make for a better relationship moving forward.