12 Things Everyone Should Appreciate About Their Blunt Friend (as Told by The Office)


To be blunt: I'm a blunt person. Everything that I say or do is exactly how I see it. There's no sugarcoating a question you have for me, and if you want advice, expect an uncompromisingly forthright answer. I used to look at this personality trait as a flaw, as I didn't want people thinking I was rude or insensitive. Like any decent human being, I, of course, care about what others think (probably a little too much at times). But when I'd try to hold back my personality, it felt disingenuous and weird. I would act SO uncomfortable that it made others uncomfortable, and then I'd throw in some awkward laughs to top it off. It wasn't until recently that I discovered I should be true to myself, and if people don't like me for it, well, screw 'em! You can't please everyone, right?

Being secure with myself has had its advantages, but it doesn't mean I'm not aware of a blunt person's flaws. After all, my friends give me the side-eye whenever I do things that make them uncomfortable (which I'd say happens about once a month). For example, when an acquaintance asks me if they should change their outfit and I answer "yes" when everyone else says "no" — erm, wrong place, wrong time? Or when people ask me about my life and I give them an honest answer: "Oh, you know, things are great minus the fact that *insert detailed answer here*." OK, it's not always that bad, but you get the gist.

Basically, I'm not perfect. I'm extremely hard on myself and I definitely have days when I question the things I say. But after a recent conversation with a friend, I was enlightened to learn about the many benefits of my blunt personality that I think anyone who's like me, or has a friend like me, can appreciate. So please, if you're a blunt person or someone who has a blunt friend, find all of the reasons you should appreciate them (or yourself!) with the hilarious GIFs from The Office, ahead — because who is more blunt than Michael Scott?


They Tell It Like It Is

Whether you want fashion advice or an honest opinion about a relationship you're in, they'll tell it exactly how they see it. Just remember, the truth can hurt! So if you're not ready to hear something you don't like, maybe go to a different friend.


They Have No Problem Making a Snarky Comment

Intentional or not, chances are you'll hear a snarky comment from a blunt person. It's usually hilariously honest, so take it with a grain of salt.


Compliments Are EVERYTHING

A blunt person isn't going to compliment you for no reason. If they like something, they'll say it. Point-blank. So whenever you get a compliment, ride it out — it really means something.


If They Don't Like Someone, You'll Know It

It usually takes a lot for a blunt person not to like someone, but if they don't, you'll know it. Being fake doesn't come easy, so chances are it'll take you all of five minutes to pick up on it.


Confrontation Isn't a Problem

Oh, did so-and-so screw you over? Well, leave it to your blunt friend to figure it out. Usually any problem can be solved with a little communication, and blunt people have no problem stepping up to the plate.


They're Typically Outgoing

If a person is blunt, they're typically not the shy type. It takes a certain type of confidence to tell people the truth, so chances are they have no problem in social settings and you can take them anywhere.


They're Quick to Realize They're Wrong

Again, blunt people see things for how they are, so they're typically good at putting themselves in other people's shoes and realizing when they've screwed up.


They're a Ball of Excitement . . . to Say the Least

Because blunt people don't feel a need to impress, they know how to have fun. They're not too worried about the consequences of their actions, so you can always expect an exciting time with them.


They Forgive and Forget

There's no underlying issues when it comes to a blunt friend, what you see is what you get. If they apologize or accept your apology, they mean it, and the argument is over.


You Always Know Where You Stand

Blunt people like to keep it real, and in order to do that, communication is key. If they have a problem with you, they'll say something. Otherwise, you're overthinking it and chances are they're totally fine.


They'll Respect Your Opinion

They may disagree with you, but that doesn't mean that they don't respect your stance. Typically blunt people like it when other people are honest with them, so if you have a different point of view, share it! They'll enjoy hearing another perspective.


They Kind of Suck at Lying

A part of being a superhonest individual is that you can't really lie. It sucks. Usually if a blunt person is doing something wrong, they'll straight up tell you about it. Or, if they don't want to hang out, they'll just say they're not in the mood.

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