If Hogwarts Had an IT Department, This Is What It Would Be Like

So you thought Argus Filch was the only non-magical staff member at Hogwarts, eh? Well, the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry has officially embraced 2016 and gotten WiFi, which means hiring an IT professional. The process of getting Hogwarts technologically up to snuff involves enlisting the help of a Muggle, which a Tumblr user is chronicling in a fictional blog. Luckily — or perhaps not so luckily — for confused American Muggle and IT guy Jonathan Dart (the fanfic-blog's main character), that means bridging a sizeable gap between the wizarding world and the tech-savvy, non-magic one.

After being hired on as not only Hogwarts's first Muggle staff member but also its first tech employee, Dart uses a blog called "Setup Wizard" to document his new experiences in the magical world. From navigating a whole new wizarding culture ("Three Broomsticks Inn does not accept debit cards") to dealing with basic tech frustrations ("Have you ever tried to set up WiFi under a lake?"), Dart's fictional blog entries bring a whole new perspective to the magical world.

Check out some of the funniest entries below, then check out the entirety of Setup Wizard's blog (in chronological order) to follow along.

Experiencing Hogwarts for the first time . . . iPhone in hand.

Dealing with the Server Room of Requirement.

Learning wizarding currency and liquor potency without Google.

Connecting with Muggleborn students over tech.

Finding a magical alternative to Yahoo Answers.

Countering hexes with an even worse fate — Internet blackout.

Using technology to earn house points: check!