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You're My Pudding Cuppycake

You're My Pudding Cuppycake

Don't want to give your kids a whole cupcake? Make them a mini dessert in a tiny cup and dress it up to look delicious.

You're My Pudding Cuppycake

lilsugar original

You're My Pudding Cuppycake


  1. 1. Chocolate Pudding (4 containers makes about 12 cuppycakes. 8 makes 24)
    2. Whipped cream
    3. Optional: Chocolate powder, hot chocolate or chopped chocolate pieces (to use as dressing on top)
    4. Mini "jelloshot" paper cups


Put about four spoonfuls of chocolate pudding into mini paper cups, top off with a swirl of whipped cream and chocolate dust or your decoration of choice.