12 Storylines That Need to Be Wrapped Up Before Game of Thrones Ends


We only have two more seasons left of Game of Thrones (but there is a premiere date!), and they will be shorter than the previous ones. It's a hard enough task for the writers to wrap up all the storylines they're currently juggling, but doing it in approximately 13 episodes seems impossible. So, what exactly do we need conclusions to? Here are 12 endings we hope to see by the end of the show.


Gendry Needs to Make His Big Return

Almost every fan has complained about this storyline being left behind. Gendry is Robert Baratheon's bastard son who we last see sailing away to safety. But will he ever come to shore, and will he throw his hat in the ring for the throne? We need to know!


Jon and Sansa's Sibling Rivalry Has to Be Addressed

We are only at the beginning of this storyline. Season six ends with Jon Snow being named the King of the North despite being a bastard. Everyone praises his fighting in the battle, but no one really acknowledges Sansa for convincing him to fight in the first place, or that she gets additional men for the battle.

The look on Sansa's face showed that she is not so pleased with how overlooked she has become. This might end with the family being torn apart after they are reunited.


Cersei Needs to Be Killed

We saw Maggy give little Cersei a prophecy about her children dying in a flashback. Now that has happened, there is only one thing left: she has to be killed by her little brother. Looks like she won't be queen for long!


The War With the White Walkers Must Start — and End

This has been a slow-burning storyline over the entirety of the show. While all these families squabble over the throne, there is an army of White Walkers that have been waiting for Winter to take over. This will definitely have a big payoff in the upcoming seasons since Winter is here.


Jon Has to Find Out About His Parents

We finally find out that Jon Snow is a Targaryen and Stark on the finale. Now we just need to tell him and the rest of the family! That means Bran Stark has to find a way to tell him (or he could find out another way) and hopefully alliances start forming around the new information.


Daenerys Has to Make It to King's Landing

Daenerys Targaryen has been plotting to build an army to take back the Iron Throne where her father once sat. We know this will lead to an interesting face-off with Cersei, and it should be a battle between two queens.


The Hound and Arya Need to Reunite

Last season confirms that the Hound is still alive and (sort of) well, and he seems to still have respect for Arya even after she leaves him to die. Will they ever reunite, and will she be able to make amends with him? Or will she finish the job to cross him off her list?


Arya Needs to Complete Her List

Speaking of Arya's kill list, that's a big thing that's been driving her for a long time: revenge. She's driven to get back at all those who have wronged her family, and though a lot of people on her hit list have died, there are still a left on her list.


Olenna Tyrell's Revenge Plan Will Need to Happen

We sadly saw Loras and Margaery are killed in the finale, so it would make sense that their grandmother would be a little angry at Cersei for orchestrating their murder. Olenna turns to the Sand Snakes in Dorne for an alliance, and now we need to see if it will lead anywhere.


Sansa and Littlefinger Need a Real Conclusion

Littlefinger has been trying to play it smart this whole time by pitting other people against each other, but he really messes up by marrying Sansa off to a sadistic man. He proposes marriage to Sansa, but she turns it down in the finale. This doesn't look this is over. Littlefinger has his eyes on Sansa, and Sansa looks wildly jealous of Jon. Perhaps she will need him after all?


The War Over the Iron Islands Has to Be Settled

Last season ends with Yara teaming up with Daenerys for her help, but we still don't know if this will be successful.


Samwell Needs to Become a Maester

This is probably one of the least thrilling story lines going on right now. We have left off with Samwell going to the library in Oldtown. However, his trip will most likely lead to a big revelation. For example, some fans think he might find records of Jon's parents in there.

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