The Housewarming Gift Friends Will Really Appreciate

A Beautiful Mess

Plants make wonderful gifts, brightening up the home with natural greenery and soothing vibes. They're especially nice as housewarming gifts, acting as both a literal and symbolic gesture of growth and renewal: as the new homeowner puts down new roots, so do their plants. But plants have unique personalities just like people, so take care to pick out housewarming houseplants that will blend harmoniously with your friend's specific lifestyle (and house style!). Keep reading to find out which particular houseplants will suit the many different characters in your life.

For the Spa-Loving Beauty Queen: Aloe Vera

For the friend who relishes a good soak and spends hours in the bathroom applying masks, perfecting her cat eye, and ensuring her waves are the beachiest, a plant that thrives in the bathroom is a good bet. What's more, aloe actually has a number of practical beauty uses.

For the Carefree Earth Mama: Ivy

Live and let live, man! The more free-growing greenery in this friend's home, the merrier. To warm this carefree soul's home, opt for a beautiful hanging ivy that will only become more voluptuous with time and care.

For the Friend in Need of Some Luck: Money Tree

New home, new chapter — this plant is for the friend with a new lease on life (literally). To boost the good vibes and good fortune in her new place, bring over a verdant money tree, said to bring luck and prosperity to the owner.

POPSUGAR Photography | Diggy Lloyd

For the Old-Fashioned Kinda Gal: Parlor Palm

Popular since the Victorian era, the parlor plant has a lovely, timeless quality and can happily exist in a small pot for a cozy apartment or grow up tall to make a big statement as a living room fixture. Either way, the parlor plant will look elegant next to your old-fashioned friend's stacks of Bronte novels.

For the Animal-Lover: Prayer Plant / Rabbit's Tracks

If your friend has curious critters at home, it's best to make sure the housewarming houseplant you select is nontoxic for animals. This plant's nickname is rabbit's tracks, which is poetic and adorable, and the leaves are mesmerizingly pretty. Best of all: the plant is safe to keep around furbabies.

POPSUGAR Photography | Diggy Lloyd

For the Foodie: Rosemary Plant

For at-home chefs, fresh herb plants are the gifts that quite literally keep on giving. Many herbs are beautiful, fragrant, and useful — especially pretty rosemary trees.

For the Globe-Trotting Adventurer: Air Plants

So your friend found a new place to call home . . . at least for the few days each month when she's not chasing adventure around the world. For the free spirit who can't commit to caring for leafy living things, gift some air plant crystals. The crystals add some color and mystical energy, but air plants are magical in their own right, as they require no soil and occasional watering. They're perhaps the most independent of all plants, fitting for the friend who also doesn't really feel the need to put down roots.

For the Health Nut: Snake Plant

Your friend who reads wellness blogs on a daily basis is likely aware of all the contaminants lurking in the very air we breathe — even in our homes. A calming, air-purifying plant is just what she needs, and these spiky snake plants look cool while they rid the air of formaldehyde, benzine, and other toxins.

For the Trendy Instagram Addict: Split-Leaf Philodendron

The fast-growing, split-leaf philodendron is flashy and flamboyant, as far as houseplants go. It's easy to maintain and looks vaguely exotic, making it a perfectly dramatic Instagram subject.

POPSUGAR Photography | Mark Popovich

For the Superbusy Boss Lady: Succulents

Not only are succulents cute and compact but they bring just a little dash of earthiness to a working girl's desk or shelf, and they require very little upkeep. For the high-powered boss lady's new digs, a neat little succulent should fit right in.

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