This Book Recommendation Hotline Is the Cutest Thing Ever


This is even better than all those gift-generator websites. Penguin, the publishing house, has just launched a Penguin Hotline where you can get book recommendations for anyone on your holiday list.

All you do is fill out a short form with three questions about the person you are shopping for (age, what they generally like to read, and any other clues like hobbies or favorite TV shows). After a day or two, a Penguin employee — anyone from editorial assistants to publicists to Penguin President Madeline McIntosh — will get back to you with a few book title suggestions, as well as which bookstores near you have the books in stock. We just submitted ours and can't wait to report back with the results.

"We hear often from readers how hard it can be to find the right book to give as a gift, especially for a friend or family member whose taste is different than their own," wrote a company spokesperson via email. " We figured who better than some of the best-read people on the planet to give curated book suggestions for the holiday season?"

You should know that the hardworking penguins will recommend books from different publishing houses, not just Penguin, and that the service will run all the way through the end of December.

Now that deserves a waddle dance.

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