Forever Goal: Be More Like Beth Pearson

I'm not a vision board person, but if I was, a picture of Beth Pearson would be front and center. Sure, This Is Us has a long list of lovable characters, but if you ask me, Beth is the best one, hands down. She's half of what I'd argue to be the most charming, realistic couple in the Pearson clan, and she's equal parts sarcastic and sincere. Those one-liners! The facial expressions that say it all! And that's just the beginning.

Beth is a badass working mom, dedicated to her career and to her family, and I love the way she and Randall approach their partnership. They both understand that sometimes the scale will tip toward her career, or toward his, and they agree that the other one will be there to support the family. This season, of course, the scale tips a little too far in Randall's direction as he works on his campaign, and Beth does not hold back on saying exactly how she feels. If looks could kill, whew! But in the wake of those difficult conversations and nights spent apart, Beth still maintains respect for her partner and, just as importantly, for herself — even if it might take her a little time to get there. Like anyone else, her emotions aren't always pleasant or agreeable, but she owns them anyway, and isn't that sometimes the hardest part?

Actress Susan Kelechi Watson brings such warmth and wit to the role, so season after season, I find myself wishing I was just a little bit more like Beth. She's such a loving, supportive mom who knows when to step in and when to step back, and while she can get serious with the best of them, she's also a damn good time. As we continue to dig into all the Pearson family mysteries week after week on This Is Us, take a look at all the reasons why we could all learn a thing or five from Beth.

She's hilarious (and worships Oprah, as we all should.)
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She's hilarious (and worships Oprah, as we all should.)

She's not afraid to step outside her comfort zone.
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She's not afraid to step outside her comfort zone.

She brings out the best in her other half.
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She brings out the best in her other half.

She knows when to stand her ground.
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She knows when to stand her ground.

She just full-on tells it like it is.
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She just full-on tells it like it is.

She drops snark like nobody else.
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She drops snark like nobody else.

(Exhibit B.)
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(Exhibit B.)

She handles the Pearson family drama like a true pro.
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She handles the Pearson family drama like a true pro.

She's a fun-loving mom.
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She's a fun-loving mom.

And a really respectful, supportive one, too.
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And a really respectful, supportive one, too.

She's empathetic, even when she maybe doesn't want to be.
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She's empathetic, even when she maybe doesn't want to be.

She's there for the people she loves.
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She's there for the people she loves.

Although she sometimes takes her time, she always owns her emotions.
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Although she sometimes takes her time, she always owns her emotions.

And she holds on to what's most important, always.
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And she holds on to what's most important, always.

Bottom line: Beth is just the best.
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Bottom line: Beth is just the best.