Marvel Fans Have 1 Big Question After Watching the Spider-Man: Far From Home Trailer

Now that I've seen the Spider-Man: Far From Home trailer, I have a question for Marvel: I don't mean to be rude or anything, but, um . . . how the hell is Peter Parker still alive?!

As any fan of the superhero franchise knows, Tom Holland's iteration of the character bites the dust — sorry — at the end of Avengers: Infinity War when Thanos kills half of all life on Earth with a snap. The murderous act also takes out other key Avengers, like Black Panther and a few Guardians of the Galaxy, making the reappearance of Peter in the trailer for Far From Home (which comes out a few months after the final Avengers film, Endgame, FYI) pretty suspect. Doesn't the confirmation of him being alive in the new movie technically spoil the ending to Endgame?

To be fair, did I realize Peter and all the other characters were always going to come back in Avengers: Endgame in some way? Yes. Has the image of Peter tearfully disintegrating nonetheless been seared onto my retinas for all eternity? Also, yes. Whether a journey through the Quantum Realm saves the Avengers, or something tricky goes on with the time stone, there's no way that Marvel would kill off all of their beloved heroes in one fell swoop (Iron Man on the other hand . . . well . . . we don't have much hope for him right now, to be honest). It's also worth pointing out that a sequel to Spider-Man: Homecoming had been announced before Infinity War.

Still, seeing Peter in Far From Home has created an interesting conundrum for fans, with some even wondering if the film will take place before Infinity War somehow. See the best reactions and theories about Peter's return to the land of the living, ahead.

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Watch the trailer to see Peter Parker alive and well!