This Mom Just Got the Most Guilt-Inducing Note of All Time From Her Kid

If you were to get a crumpled-up note from your kid, which stated — in adorably garbled cursive handwriting — how you "really shattered" their heart and how they "know how ashamed you are" of them, how would you react?

If you'd no sooner melt into a puddle of guilt-ridden tears, take a breath.

Turns out, the mother of the kid who wrote this note wants to share her side of the story.

In an equal parts depressing and relatable Facebook post, The Unmumsy Mom shared a submission from the mom in question, which stated that her 9-year-old daughter Ellie refused to clean her room. And that's when things went south.

"Her mom got mad, Ellie declared she wanted to be sold on eBay — because she didn't want to be part of the family anymore — and in the heat of the tidying argument, her mom said that nobody would buy her," The Unmumsy Mom wrote.

Although it's been confirmed that the "shattered heart is now mended," the post has gotten more than 6,000 "likes" from parents commending the little girl's "art of persuasive writing." Plus, more than a handful of moms have been inspired to share their children's equally melodramatic notes:

Stay strong, moms. You really probably aren't the worst!