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Image Source: Megan Roy

Essential Items to Register For Before Baby

7 Essential (and Maybe Surprising) Items to Add to Your Baby Registry

We've teamed up with Pampers to guide you through your baby registry to help you make smart — and potentially surprising — choices.

Congratulations! If you're reading this, you're probably either A) expecting, or B) know someone who is expecting. Either way, it's a very exciting time. It's also thrilling, nerve-racking, and somewhat terrifying. The truth is, nothing can totally prepare you for the new little human who's about to enter your life, but there are a few items that will make the transition a touch easier.

When it comes time to register for your baby, keep these unexpected, yet essential, items top of mind. Together they create a "New Baby Emergency Kit" that will save you in any moment of need or help you feel prepared and ready to take on parenthood.

1. Order Up a Bottle Flight — It's a Thing!

Image Source: Babylist

This. Is. Genius. No matter how you plan to feed your baby (hey, fed is best! Don't forget it), your baby will probably need to take a bottle at some point during those early months. Whether it's so you can have a few hours baby-free at the salon or you're going back to work right away and you plan on exclusively bottle-feeding, it's good to have a few bottles on hand right from the very beginning. But the thing that most new parents don't know is that not all bottles are created equal. Some babies are super picky when it comes to taking a bottle, and they have no qualms about refusing a bottle if it's not to their liking. That makes registering for bottles ahead of time a challenge since you don't really know what they will and won't like.

Enter the bottle box. It contains five of the most popular bottles on the market and allows you and your baby to try a bottle out before committing to an entire set.

2. A Toy For Your Newborn? Yes, If You Know What's Good For You.

It's true, most babies can be very content with a cardboard box and a spoon, but certain toys do serve a purpose and can actually help with your baby's brain development. At birth, the nerve cells in your baby's retina and brain that control vision are not fully developed, so they can only see black and white and shades of gray. This black-and-white mobile, made specially for the mom-favorite DockATot, uses the high-contrast color combo to help stimulate your baby and provide a distraction when needed.

3. Pee-Pee Pads Aren't Just For Fur Babies . . .

Image Source: Amazon

When I first heard this parent-friendly tip, it made me LOL. Are babies that messy?

The truth is, it's not their messes you have to worry about. When you're out on the go and forced to use a public restroom, these disposable pee-pee pads are a lifesaver. They keep your baby germ-free and can be used to wrap a soiled onesie when the inevitable blowout occurs.

4. Double Down on Your Diaper Stash.

Image Source: Pampers

You may not even realize you need to register for diapers, but you'll be amazed at how many you go through those first few weeks. Our advice? Request sizes in both newborn and stage one. Depending on your baby's weight at birth, you may need to move up a size sooner than you'd think. Pampers Swaddlers are a new-parent fave because of their dependability and quality, and they give parents the peace of mind they need during the newborn stage and beyond. They're breathable and absorbing so your baby will stay dry and comfortable for up to 12 hours — perfect for when they start sleeping through the night. Plus, that nifty yellow strip turns blue when the diaper is wet, signaling to sleep-deprived parents when it's time for a diaper change.

5. Don't Get Caught Out in the Wild Without a Sound Machine.

Image Source: Amazon

Has your mom ever told you about the olden days when she used to run the vacuum to lull you to sleep? There is a reason for that! The womb is actually a very loud place with a constant hum of noise and activity, so to new babies, the world is eerily quiet and a bit disconcerting. That's why a white noise machine is such a game changer. The hum of noise can instantly calm a cranky baby, block out unwanted sounds, and keep a baby calm and asleep for longer stretches of time.

6. Don't Be Fooled — You'll Need an Actual Baby Bath.

Image Source: Amazon

I don't know about you, but when I thought about the newborn stage I had these sweet visions of giving my baby his very first bath in our kitchen sink. Bubbles would be flying, he would be cooing, we would all be smitten. Logistically, this didn't happen for us. There was no way to support our squirming dude in the sink, and I was very concerned about germs or dropping him. I'm so glad we registered for a baby bath from the very beginning. It gave us peace of mind knowing he was fully supported in the tub and not having to worry about any slippage.

7. Seriously, You'll Need a Sling to Keep You Sane.

Image Source: Wildbird

I'm not going to lie: it's really fun to cuddle your little babe. It's something you may never tire of doing, but the fact is you'll eventually need hands for other things. Whether it's to eat a handful of chips or to button a pair of pants, it's hard to hold baby close while doing the day-to-day. Cue the ring sling. It takes a few tries to master position, but once you and baby get comfortable rest assured you'll always be able to keep your little one close.