This "Baby Shark" Devouring a Boob Cake Goes Out to Every Mom Who Breastfed a Biter

I know all too well the pain of breastfeeding a biter. When I shrieked in pain the first time my second-born baby chomped down on my nipple midnursing session, I swear I detected a smirk on her face. From there, she seemed to know just when to pounce — not often but right when I was getting comfortable. I tried all the tricks to get her to stop, but in the end, I suffered through those razor-sharp baby teeth because I wanted nothing more than to keep breastfeeding my sweet-yet-occasionally-vicious baby as long as possible.

Kayla Seitz, mom to 9-month-old Sophie, has endured a similar experience — only she channeled the pain of her "poor ninnys" in the most hilarious way: with a celebratory photo shoot of her baby dressed in a shark costume, devouring a breast.

That's right. Her little "Sophie Shark" (cue the "Baby Shark" references) was chowing down on a boob-shaped cake, complete with bloody red icing inside.

"Here's to surviving nine months of breastfeeding," she told POPSUGAR. "Since Sophie has started teething, my family has called her Sophie Shark because she is harsh with the . . . ninny. I had to do some cute photos to remind me how painful [it is] and to not have any more kids!"

The photos, shot by Iga Logan Photography, are hysterically sweet, yes, but for moms like me, we're really just watching through winced eyes, feeling sorry for that poor, innocent cake. As Kayla joked, "Don't bite the boob that feeds you."