I Did This 30-Day Flat-Belly Workout Plan — and Here's Why You Should Too

POPSUGAR Photography | Hedy Phillips

I could stand to lose some belly fat. I wish it was as easy as just eating less or doing some crunches, but it's never as easy to take weight off as it is to put it on. It takes a combination of hard work, eating right, and burning calories — but you already know all that.

What you may not realize is that to lose stubborn belly fat, you can't just rely on doing a bunch of crunches. You have to work your entire body so that weight falls off everywhere, including your belly. That's why I gave POPSUGAR's 30 Days to a Flat Belly workout plan a try to kick-start my healthy journey.

With this workout plan, you'll have 30 days of at-home workouts that are 30 minutes or less and work your body from head to toe. You can have unlimited access to the entire plan for just $9.99, and you can watch whatever videos tickle your fancy whenever you'd like — after you complete the recommended 30 days, that is!

I gave the entire 30-day plan a whirl — over the holidays, no less — to see if it would actually make a difference, and while I have a long way to go in losing belly fat, this was a great way to get started. Keep reading to see just how it went for me.

The Basics and My Before
POPSUGAR Photography | Hedy Phillips

The Basics and My Before

Here's what you need to know before you get started on this 30-day plan. For one, it requires no equipment. There are a few workouts that suggest using weights, but you'd be fine without them or with using something in place of them. I used canned beans!

There is also a modification for just about everything, which is great if you lack flexibility or if you can't do a lot of jumping, or anything of the like. Someone will be doing the modified exercise in every video, and you'll know who it is, so keep an eye on that person.

Lastly, the best thing about this 30-day workout plan is that it starts at a manageable level, which is great for anyone who doesn't work out regularly (that's me!). It progresses over the 30 days into slightly longer workouts at a higher intensity so you can really get results, but it goes at a slow enough pace and offers enough modifications that it truly is doable.

The Workouts

The Workouts

This program provides a video for every day in your 30-day plan, including recovery days. And before you think this is going to be all abs since it's a flat-belly workout plan, don't worry, because it's not. All together, the plan is a full-body workout, and every day you're doing something different so that your whole body is engaged.

Some workouts are focused on cardio so you're getting your heart rate up and burning calories, and some are more focused on strength training so you're really working those muscles. But it's hard to target just your belly when you're looking to lose fat, which is why you have to make sure you're working out everything.

The workouts range from 10 minutes to 30 minutes, so it's doable every day. As you get farther into the month, you'll see more longer workouts so you're exerting more energy and burning more calories. And burning off that belly fat!

My Thoughts
POPSUGAR Photography | Hedy Phillips

My Thoughts

Going into this, I had no workout routine in my life. I work out here and there, when I can and how I can. Sometimes it's power-walking, sometimes it's Spin, if I'm ambitious it's a run. Suffice it to say, making myself work out every day for 30 days was a daunting task, but the shorter workouts in the beginning made it seem less scary.

Keep in mind, though, that while these workouts aren't difficult per se, I would consider them slightly beyond a beginner workout. There were several things I just couldn't do because I didn't have the strength for them (this is where the modifications are a savior). I also modified a lot of moves because I live in a third-floor apartment in New York City and doing jumping jacks is a surefire way to get my downstairs neighbor to send the super to yell at me.

You will still get an excellent workout even if you're using the modifications. Don't feel bad for needing to use them.

What will keep this plan from working, though, is if you don't pair it with a healthy-eating routine. I had recently started a low-carb diet (not quite keto because it felt too extreme for me), and doing that in conjunction with this workout plan felt really comfortable for my body.

The Results and My After
POPSUGAR Photography | Hedy Phillips

The Results and My After

I didn't expect to see groundbreaking results in just 30 days (though possible!), but I can see a difference at the top of my stomach area. Losing weight takes a lot of time and a lot of work. I did see a change in my midsection from the combination of working out and eating better. The most significant result I had was the fact that by the end of the workout plan, I was making fewer and fewer modifications to some of the moves that I couldn't do in the beginning — in just 30 days!

Going forward, it'll be easy to implement pieces of this workout plan into an everyday routine. It's stressed over and over throughout the 30 days that the most important part about this entire thing is that you just keep moving. Keep your heart rate up, keep sweating, and keep burning calories.

Overall, I lost a little over two pounds in the month, which is more than I expected with doing this over the holidays. Aside from an actual number, I feel a lot better. Whether it's the diet, the workout, or both, I feel more rejuvenated and excited to keep up with working out and continuing to work on shedding some of this belly fluff!