10 Simple Ways to Make Workouts Feel Easier

POPSUGAR Photography | Maria del Rio
POPSUGAR Photography | Maria del Rio

Here's the deal: working out isn't all endorphins and smiles and accomplishments and moments of glory. There's a lot of sweat, burning muscles, incinerated lungs, pain, strain, fatigue, and a million moments when you'll ask yourself why the heck you got yourself into this torture masked as fitness.

That said, pushing through those things does lead to the aforementioned good parts (read: endorphins and smiles). So how do we make things a little easier on ourselves? Fitness doesn't have to be complicated, and there are definitely tips and tricks you can use to give yourself a much-needed edge so you can focus on the important stuff, like your progress.

  1. Set your alarms. Keep yourself on track by setting your alarms for the week on your phone. Get even more organized by scheduling out your workouts for the week in your phone's calendar and set little reminders for yourself a few hours before (or the night before) so you're extra prepared.
  2. Lay out your clothes. Lay out your clothes the night before your workout to help speed up the process in the morning. If you're an overachiever (or need some extra organizational help), create a little shelving space and set out all your workout outfits for the week.
  3. Grab a buddy. Not only will friends help you get through the workout, but working out with a partner — whether it's a significant other, friend, or even family member — will strengthen your relationship.
  4. Drink some coffee. There are so many reasons to drink coffee, especially before a workout; coffee enhances your energy and endurance, giving you the boost you need for a challenging workout. It also helps your body burn more calories without having to work harder.
  5. Bribe yourself. Get yourself some new kicks, buy a pretty new sports bra, or plan a running route that ends in brunch. You'll feel so much more motivated.
  6. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Without enough water, you'll feel fatigued and possibly dizzy and nauseous. This can happen quickly if you're even slightly dehydrated when you start exercising. Get yourself a cute water bottle and keep chugging!
  7. Try HIIT. Burn more calories in less time with HIIT (high-intensity interval training) like Tabata. Four-minute workouts can be calorie destroyers, and they're much less intimidating than 30- to 60-minute workouts.
  8. Fuel properly. What you eat before a workout is super important. It's imperative that you eat carbohydrates before a workout to give your body the exact type of fuel it needs for energy, strength, and endurance.
  9. Start slow. This is important, especially if you're new to exercise: you don't have to take on an advanced, ultrachallenging class when you're starting out. LISS cardio — like walking and swimming — is great for burning fat and building endurance. Keep it mellow, and build your strength at your own pace.
  10. Keep experimenting! if you really hate what you're doing, try something else. Finding a workout you love is essential to making sure you stick with it — and it even makes workouts feel like you're not really exercising.