10 Running Resolutions to Make 2020 Your Fastest and Strongest Year Yet

I really started running five years ago with a handful of 5Ks and then a bold leap directly to the half marathon. Throw in three half marathons, three triathlons, and a mix of other distances, and the past few years have been my best running years yet — although not as good as my 2020 is going to be. I'm taking what I've learned in previous years and making it into 10 New Year's resolutions that will get me to more finish lines more quickly.

Spend More Time With a Running Group
Unsplash/Curtis MacNewton

Spend More Time With a Running Group

For years, I resisted joining the local running club because I didn't think I was fast enough, strong enough, or good enough to run with other "real runners." Last Summer, I faced my fear and joined up. In the last six months, those women have become good friends, reliable partners, and a hugely motivating force. I've gotten faster and more confident, and I've had more fun knowing them. I still bail on group runs from time to time when I don't feel like I can keep up. In 2020, I'm going to get past that and get faster with my team.

Eat Like a Runner
Burst/Adam King

Eat Like a Runner

I've gotten better at calling myself a "runner" and not making self-depreciating remarks when someone calls me that. I've changed my runs, my workouts, and my attitude about running, but I've never changed my diet. It's my diet's fault that I'm hanging onto extra pounds, not recovering as efficiently as I'd like, and skipping runs when I am running low on energy. In 2020, it's the diet that has to grow up.

Make No Excuses
Burst/Matthew Henry

Make No Excuses

I've designed my 2020 without making room for excuses. If I want to finish the races I have planned, I don't have room to skip multiple days of training or to fall behind on my schedule. Every run counts and every run brings me closer to completing my ultimate goal.

Run a Notable Marathon
Unsplash/Martins Zemlickis

Run a Notable Marathon

It won't seem real for another 10 months, but I'm putting all of my runs over the last five years together to try to cross the finish line of the Chicago marathon. Some days I can't imagine how I'm going to get through 26.2 miles; other days, I can't wait to try.

Prepare For the Mental Game
Burst/Jessica Devnani

Prepare For the Mental Game

The marathon training will require me to deal with the mental training of running. I can have great runs when I can quiet my mind and terrible runs when it just won't settle down. If I'm going to spend the Summer and early Autumn preparing for the marathon, I'm going to have to find a reliable way to quiet the monkey mind and make peace with being alone for multiple hours on Saturday mornings.

Push the Pace
Burst/Matthew Henry

Push the Pace

I've made myself pretty comfortable in the slow lane at races. I've never finished last, but I've just barely beat walkers on more than one occasion. As my endurance has improved, my speed has stayed stagnant. This year, with many months to go before my first half marathon and then, of course, the marathon, I'm going to reduce my mileage and try to get quicker. I'm going to add speed work, stick with my running team, and challenge myself to see what I may be actually capable of instead of doing what's easy.

Face the Damn Hills
Unsplash/Seth Macey

Face the Damn Hills

I've become an expert at walking up hills. No matter how many hills I face during a race, I will take the time to walk up the hill, then run down the hill. I don't even try to run up the hills. This new year, I'm running up the damn hills. Whether it makes me faster or slower, I know that with every hill I run up, I've gotten over another obstacle I've been too afraid to face before.

Add Self-Care to Running
Burst/Matthew Henry

Add Self-Care to Running

I have finished half marathons, eaten drive-through junk food, and taken a four-hour nap. Nothing about how I spend post-long-run hours is healthy or promotes self-care and recovery. This year, I'm going to spend more time focusing on recovery and self-care routines that will make me a better, healthier, happier runner. There will be more meditation, long detoxifying baths, foam rolling, stretching, and yoga. There will be less complaining about achy muscles and more ice baths. I'm asking more from my body this year, and in exchange, I have to listen harder when it speaks to me.

Do More Than Just Run

Do More Than Just Run

I can run up and down the same hills over and over again and still, I will struggle if my legs and glutes aren't strong enough to carry me. Instead of avoiding the workout room for another year, I'll make myself a regular and build leaner, stronger muscle that will run more easily and more efficiently.

Make It Fun Again
Julia Raasch

Make It Fun Again

My 4-year-old niece puts her serious face on and sprints up and down the street in front of her house. Running is fun. Racing is fun. And when she needs to take a break, she jumps in a puddle because that is fun, too. Why can't running be fun for me, too? I'll find a new route, a new race, and a new reason until it feels almost as much fun for me as it does for my niece. I'll try to appreciate running through the lens of her wise 4-year-old eyes.