20 Things Only People With a Serious Coffee Addiction Understand

Would you like a side of coffee with your cup of coffee? If you're like me, the answer is always "yes." It's the first thing you think about in the morning, a fresh cup brings you more happiness than most other things (and people) in the world, and you can never have too much in one day. Some people's spirit animal is a unicorn; yours is coffee. You know your addiction is real if you relate to these 20 things all too well.

When your first thought after hearing your alarm is COFFEE.

When your first thought after hearing your alarm is COFFEE.

When someone tries to have an actual conversation with you before you've had two cups.
Comedy Central

When someone tries to have an actual conversation with you before you've had two cups.

When you go to make a pot at home but realize you're out.

When you go to make a pot at home but realize you're out.

When you make your priorities really clear.
Entertainment One International

When you make your priorities really clear.

When you're home alone and no one can judge you.
United Artists

When you're home alone and no one can judge you.

When someone asks you if you're REALLY going to Starbucks again today.
E! Entertainment Television

When someone asks you if you're REALLY going to Starbucks again today.

When you look at your bank statement and realize how much you're spending on coffee.

When you look at your bank statement and realize how much you're spending on coffee.

When this is the only way you can survive a meeting.

When this is the only way you can survive a meeting.

When someone suggests you should maybe give up coffee for a week.

When someone suggests you should maybe give up coffee for a week.

When you know this sight brings you more joy than any human could.
Tumblr user pandaine

When you know this sight brings you more joy than any human could.

When you open a birthday card and there's a coffee gift card inside.

When you open a birthday card and there's a coffee gift card inside.

When your friends are actually getting concerned about how much caffeine one human should consume in a day.
New Line Cinema

When your friends are actually getting concerned about how much caffeine one human should consume in a day.

When you're forced to get up extra early on the weekend.
The CW

When you're forced to get up extra early on the weekend.


When your third cup is JUST NOT CUTTING IT.

When your friend suggests getting green juices instead of coffee.
Adult Swim

When your friend suggests getting green juices instead of coffee.

When someone questions your choice to make yet another cup at 4 p.m.

When someone questions your choice to make yet another cup at 4 p.m.

When someone asks you how your coffee cleanse is going and you admit you gave up 30 minutes after you started.

When someone asks you how your coffee cleanse is going and you admit you gave up 30 minutes after you started.

When it's pay day and you know exactly what you're doing (getting a LARGE fancy-ass craft coffee).
Comedy Central

When it's pay day and you know exactly what you're doing (getting a LARGE fancy-ass craft coffee).