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Friday Horoscopes

Today's horoscopes come from our partner

Mar 21 - Apr 19
Apr 20 - May 20
May 21 - June 21
June 22nd - July 22nd
Your charming side is out in force today, so make the most of it! You should find a few opportunities to impress potential romantic partners or business associates, and it's easier than ever.
You're in a good groove today, and should be able to prove to almost anyone how dependable you can be -- all you have to do is act naturally! You may impress someone so much they give you a new title of respect.
Try not to overwhelm anyone with questions today -- least of all yourself! Self-doubt and other self-destructive tendencies are dangerous right now, so make sure you're keeping it positive.
You pick up on someone's subtle signals late in the day and should be able to parlay that into a much stronger relationship. It may be romantic or business, but you should be better off tomorrow.
July 23 - Aug 22
Aug 23 - Sept 22
Sept 23 - Oct 22
Oct 23 - Nov 21
Your energy is better spent on closings than openings today, so make sure that you're doing whatever you can to clear off your desk and otherwise make sure that you're ready for what's coming.
Your mind and spirit are running more deeply than ever, so now is the best time to go spelunking in your subconscious. You may pull out some artistic notions or a new direction for your life!
An act of kindness leaves you feeling all warm and fuzzy inside, but it doesn't take you long to kick into gear and repay the favor. Life is great, and you feel like a part of something big.
Watch your temper! You are prone to extreme behavior today, which should be fine -- exhilarating, even -- as long as you keep yourself from boiling over. Things should settle down in a few days.
Nov 22 - Dec 21
Dec 22 - Jan 19
Jan 20 - Feb 18
Feb 19 - Mar 20
You need to focus on the numbers this time -- even if you can't figure out how to find them! Use your big brain to track down the figures you need, and then everything should start to make sense.
Get back to nature, if that's at all possible -- your great energy makes a brief communion with the woods or surf incredibly rewarding! It's a great day to take a break from your routines.
A strange emotional state washes over you midday, and you might have to duck out of work or other responsibilities in order to take care of it. Life should get a bit simpler in the near future, though.
Your psychic powers are stronger than usual today, so expect some big jolts as people's souls reveal themselves to you. It's a good time to file information away for alter use, rather than taking direct action.
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