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Monday Horoscopes

Today's horoscopes come from our partner

Mar 21 - Apr 19
Apr 20 - May 20
May 21 - June 21
June 22nd - July 22nd
Your possessions are making life more difficult -- well, just one of them, really. If you don't already know which one it is, take inventory until something sets off alarm bells.
Your social relations are making life a lot more interesting -- so get on top of things and get your people moving in the right direction. You can get along just fine with almost anyone.
You have got to have greater patience -- things just aren't going to go your way unless you can wait out this current phase. Your energy is better spent watching and waiting in any case.
A new opportunity for meeting people, or getting to k now people better, presents itself and should be taken at once! Your great social energy is perfect for making new connections.
July 23 - Aug 22
Aug 23 - Sept 22
Sept 23 - Oct 22
Oct 23 - Nov 21
Your reputation precedes you -- which could be good or bad! You need to make sure that you're dealing with those who can actually affect your life in some way or another, then just be yourself.
A philosophical issue presents itself that should start you thinking about something new and wonderful. Your great mental energy is perfect for this problem, and you are likely to end up in a better place.
It's a good day for social activities -- so make sure that you're asking out the right people or accepting the right invitees. You may need to do some juggling to make it all work, but it's worth it!
You need to be more open-minded about this new situation -- otherwise, things are sure to go off the rails pretty quickly. You are full of interesting energy, but flexibility is much more important.
Nov 22 - Dec 21
Dec 22 - Jan 19
Jan 20 - Feb 18
Feb 19 - Mar 20
A tiny details slips through your fingers that might make a real difference later on Try to recover it quickly -- if you can fix it by the end of the day, all should be well. It shouldn't take a lot of effort.
A romantic interest flares up between you and someone unexpected. If you're open to it, this could be life-changing, but it could be trouble if you're already partnered. Watch and wait.
You're stuck in the past just a bit today, and that's not totally comfortable for you, For now, though, you should be able to pull some learning out of there that really helps.
Your love life gets a little boost that could turn into something big and wonderful. You're even more appealing than you realize, and if you're single, that shouldn't last for long. Enjoy what you've got!
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