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Thursday Horoscopes

Today's horoscopes come from our partner

Mar 21 - Apr 19
Apr 20 - May 20
May 21 - June 21
June 22nd - July 22nd
You can blow off your own pet projects more easily than you can say no to your coworkers or family members today -- and it feels right, too. You can always get back to what's most important.
You'd like nothing better than to just take the day off and sleep late -- but the odds are good that something demands your attention early on. Give it what you've got, but block out time later for peace and quiet.
You're prone to overwhelming people with too much information on days like today, so try to measure it out in small doses so it's all absorbed. If anyone starts to get that glassy stare, step back until they're ready!
It's a good day to stick to the tried and true -- if you push out too far in a new direction, you're likely to lose some support just when you need it most. Play it safe and all will be well.
July 23 - Aug 22
Aug 23 - Sept 22
Sept 23 - Oct 22
Oct 23 - Nov 21
Explore your emotional side today -- there's a lot more going on than you would have thought. It's a good time for you to talk things over with your sweetie, if they're available. If not, make time.
You're feeling the urge to make a big splash at work or with your friends and now is a great time to surprise folks. You may even surprise yourself -- some of your feelings haven't hit the surface yet!
Today is perfect for interacting with new people or those you don't see all that often -- your amazing social energy will leave them wanting far more! If they're clients at work, expect the best.
Are you frustrated with the way things have been going between you and a friend or partner? Try just giving them everything they want (within reason) today -- it may have surprising results!
Nov 22 - Dec 21
Dec 22 - Jan 19
Jan 20 - Feb 18
Feb 19 - Mar 20
Try to speak as freely as possible today, especially regarding your hopes and wishes. There are folks who are willing to help out, but only if you tell them the truth. It's easier than you think!
You're feeling the urge to share some new art or music you've discovered with friends -- who should pick right up on it! Even if you're not the hippest person around, you do catch some great stuff.
Branch out a bit and try to experience something from some other culture. A festival, new music or even a new restaurant can energize you in a way that can reorganize your thinking in a positive way.
You've got a big decision ahead of you -- and now is the best time to get it over with! Your ability to pick between equally appealing options is strong and you shouldn't have any regrets.
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