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Tuesday Horoscopes

Today's horoscopes come from our partner

Mar 21 - Apr 19
Apr 20 - May 20
May 21 - June 21
June 22nd - July 22nd
You can find hot deals on computer upgrades or new tech toys today -- you're quite tuned in to the world of the future! It's a really good time for you to see about taking things to the next level.
Don't freak out if you can't make up your mind over the simplest choices -- you've got a lot going on today! Everyone else does too, of course, so don't expect tons of assistance in choosing quite yet.
You are a thinking machine today, popping out great ideas like nobody's business and finding new ways to encourage others to do the same. Things are sure to be a lot better for everyone soon!
Authority figures have no control over you today, and you should find that your energy is best spent on your own dreams and big projects, rather than just letting others boss you around.
July 23 - Aug 22
Aug 23 - Sept 22
Sept 23 - Oct 22
Oct 23 - Nov 21
A good friend needs to bend your ear for a bit today, and you need to make time for them. Things are actually going pretty well for both of you, but once you really communicate, they get even better.
This day could swing in either direction -- so throw all of your weight toward the positive side and hope for the best. At least you'll be able to say that you did your best when it's all over.
Today is all about the future -- even if it just means tonight's plans. Talk up your latest ideas, as they are likelier to be well received on a day like today, when nearly everyone is open to possibilities.
Avoid risky behavior today as much as you can. That doesn't mean to put all your investments into your mattress, but to slow down and think everything through carefully before jumping in.
Nov 22 - Dec 21
Dec 22 - Jan 19
Jan 20 - Feb 18
Feb 19 - Mar 20
You're busier than usual today, but it may all feel like busy-work. There's nothing wrong with that now and then, but if you feel you can't get anything important done, talk to the right people.
Unnecessary conversation drives you crazy today, and you may find you have to shut yourself away or wear headphones to get anything done. It may be hard to shut that one gossip down!
Today is all about communication -- and your energy is just right for helping you find the perfect route for your latest missive. Find a new way to get your point to the person who needs to hear it.
It's a really good day for you to stay connected with your most important people, as confusion is sure to erupt more than once. It's just one of those days in which clarity is never guaranteed.
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