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Tuesday Horoscopes

Today's horoscopes come from our partner

Mar 21 - Apr 19
Apr 20 - May 20
May 21 - June 21
June 22nd - July 22nd
You may get a little over-concerned about your health today -- but you could use those fears in a positive way. It's a good time to consult with a doctor or other health provider about healthy options.
Life is sweeter and easier today, so kick back and enjoy it all! You may be able to make some progress at work or in your love life without exerting yourself too hard. Make it work!
You need to deal with someone who doesn't quite get you today -- but that's okay. If you can refrain from constantly correcting them, they should start to figure you out pretty soon.
Your big brain is more powerful than ever right now, so make sure that you've got all the information it needs to make decisions. You're feeling pretty sure of yourself, but showing your work doesn't hurt!
July 23 - Aug 22
Aug 23 - Sept 22
Sept 23 - Oct 22
Oct 23 - Nov 21
You are in serious need of a break! Your fun-loving, impulsive side has been dominant for a while, and now you need to settle down, relax and just take care of the basics for a day or two.
You're bursting with great energy, and now is the best time to make life a little easier to handle -- tidy up, rearrange things or institute a new organizational system. You amaze colleagues and family!
You're seeing details everyone else is missing. That could mean that you're able to take initiative and move ahead, or it could mean that you're starting to crack! The odds are on the former, though.
Remove yourself from today's immediate concerns a bit and think ahead. Your mental capacity is extended and you should be able to get your friends and colleagues to see the value of forethought.
Nov 22 - Dec 21
Dec 22 - Jan 19
Jan 20 - Feb 18
Feb 19 - Mar 20
Lie low today, if at all possible -- your energy is a bit out of sync with the world, and that could mean that your requests for help fall on deaf ears. Wait a few days and everything should work out.
Your emotional state is perfectly grounded today, and you should find that your ability to handle stress is ten times higher, at least. It may be a good time to seek out stressful situations you need to deal with.
Spend a little extra time with your social relations today -- people are much harder to please! You need to make a big show out of paying attention and delivering the right compliments.
You may finally have gotten your bearings-- just in time to help others do the same! Your energy is outwardly directed at a time when most others are looking inward, but your help is always welcome.
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