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Wednesday Horoscopes

Today's horoscopes come from our partner

Mar 21 - Apr 19
Apr 20 - May 20
May 21 - June 21
June 22nd - July 22nd
You are a natural leader and your talents are in demand today. Get out there and show people what needs to be done and how to do it -- you may find that you grow into the role over time.
It's time to really mix it up over the latest power games going on in the office or at home. You may not be in your element, but if you sit by passively, you're sure to regret your inaction.
Your social scene might feel a bit stagnant, but someone new appears to change your mind in a big way. It might turn into a romance, but there's no guarantee and you don't mind either way.
You may be upset on the inside, but you still need to at least try to be flexible today. Events are likely to spin out of control if you insist on keeping to the schedule or doing things one way.
July 23 - Aug 22
Aug 23 - Sept 22
Sept 23 - Oct 22
Oct 23 - Nov 21
Big problems need big solutions -- but none of the obvious ones seem to be working today! You need to stretch your mind as far as it will go in order to really make sense of today's issues.
Someone is asking for criticism, explicitly or implicitly and you've got plenty to offer. Before you open your mouth or fire off that email, though, make sure you are being as positive as you can be.
You're feeling great today and your good energy is almost certainly infectious. If anyone close is down, just hang out near them for a while and they should start to lighten up through osmosis.
You need to deal with parents or other older relatives -- and even if it's through legal paperwork, it's still a hassle. One way or another, you can cope, but it might take some effort.
Nov 22 - Dec 21
Dec 22 - Jan 19
Jan 20 - Feb 18
Feb 19 - Mar 20
Explore more of your world today -- there's no need for you to stick to your settled boundaries. In fact, if you get a little transgressive, you might just find something new and wonderful out there!
You're feeling pretty good about life -- in the sense that it's heading in the right direction! It may be that you're not feeling so great today, but you can see that things are getting better.
See if you can get other folks to understand your vision -- it's not that hard to explain, really and you're sure to be better off with others making your case for you when the time is right.
Your mind is full of big ideas -- maybe a few too many? It's hard to do much about that, but if you can arrange your life so you don't have to get much done today, that is for the best.
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