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Wednesday Horoscopes

Today's horoscopes come from our partner

Mar 21 - Apr 19
Apr 20 - May 20
May 21 - June 21
June 22nd - July 22nd
Today is absolutely perfect for getting started with new home or relationship-building projects. Your energy feels pretty well balanced, and you're itching for something new to keep you moving!
Your coworkers play a more important role in your life than usual. If you're not working now, for whatever reason, you may run into an old work pal or need to recommend someone for a new gig.
You're in the middle of a ton of different projects right now -- but you shouldn't feel overwhelmed! It's a great day for you to delegate or pass along unfinished business to others.
Things just aren't going as smoothly as you want them to -- but you may be able to grease the wheels if you're patient. Someone at home is being obstinate (again), so see if you can step up and change the situation.
July 23 - Aug 22
Aug 23 - Sept 22
Sept 23 - Oct 22
Oct 23 - Nov 21
You need to show yourself that your love life is still rich and vibrant, no matter what the circumstances may be. Try a date with your mate or someone totally new, if you're single. Your good energy makes it worthwhile.
Try not to force yourself into any big decisions today -- you need to make sure that you're taking all the time you need. If anyone pushes you too hard, push back and tell them to wait their turn.
You need to deal with something sweet and romantic today -- life could be worse! Maybe your sweetie is extra-nice to you, or maybe you stumble across some new hottie who needs your attention.
Today is all about big ideas -- and you need to work them out with others in your life! It's the best possible time for brainstorming, and also for deciding on big joint plans for the future.
Nov 22 - Dec 21
Dec 22 - Jan 19
Jan 20 - Feb 18
Feb 19 - Mar 20
People are sure to come to you with some big questions -- and you need to step up and give them the answers they need! It's one of those days when you really ought to think hard about your role.
Your mind is on your job or your most important home project -- so much so that you may ignore the people around you! It's one of those days when you just need to get it all done quickly.
Your good energy is perfect for focusing on personal issues today -- anything from your love life to your home improvement needs. It may feel too practical to be interesting, but you find a way.
Debt is on your mind -- but not in a scary way! If anything, you may find that people are much easier to deal with now that you are focusing on what they owe you. It feels less one-sided.
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