The Most Hilarious Tweets From the GOP Financial Debate

While the banter between candidates is undeniably hilarious, the commentary on Twitter that accompanies the debates is also comedic gold — especially the GIFs. Between witty fact checks and giggle-worthy quips, here are some of the greatest Twitter moments from the GOP debate:

People wondered why Trump thought walls around geographic locations worked:

There were jokes at Jeb Bush's low polling numbers:

"Let Jeb speak" - everyone except Jeb's advisers
— Dave Itzkoff (@ditzkoff) November 11, 2015

People questioned how well the target audience knew how to use Facebook:

We go back to Facebook now, our next question is, "How do I change my banner? Not my avatar, the thing at the top, I want it to be a flag."
— pourmecoffee (@pourmecoffee) November 11, 2015

And they reminded Carly Fiorina that she once ran Hewlett Packard, a printer company:

As former CEO of HP youd think Carly Fiorina would know millons of ppl printing out 10,000 page obamacare document would be huge stock boost
— PFTCommenter (@PFTCommenter) November 11, 2015

CRUZ: "Let big banks fail"
ASIDE, TO WIFE: ["Not Goldman, honey, don't worry"]
— Adam Weinstein (@AdamWeinstein) November 11, 2015

People remembered Rick Perry's infamous call to cut the same programs as Ted Cruz:

Somewhere tonight, Rick Perry must be asking: Hey @tedcruz which is your 5th department to cut? You said commerce twice.
— Jeff Zeleny (@jeffzeleny) November 11, 2015

. . . and that Cruz couldn't figure out the fifth department:

Cruz would EXTRA eliminate the Department of Commerce. #GOPDebate
— Jessie Opoien (@jessieopie) November 11, 2015

As always, there were Donald Trump jokes:

Why does @realDonaldTrump always sound like a kid doing a book report when he didn't read the book? #GOPDebate
— Mikel Jollett (@Mikel_Jollett) November 11, 2015

Trump: We should protect Ukraine. Some of my best wives came from Ukraine.
— Mark Dow (@mark_dow) November 11, 2015

. . . and at his commitment to not raising wages or giving tax breaks:

My tax plan would completely destroy the middle class, while also causing poor people to die in Dickensian ways.
— Robert Yasumura (@teamyasumura) November 11, 2015

The photoshop jobs were on point:

Surprising results from Google Translate.
— Dave Itzkoff (@ditzkoff) November 11, 2015

The candidates made some strange comparisons (philosophers, special sauce, and welders?), people responded:

Takeaways in a sentence: Trump think Carly's special sauce is interrupting a philosopher trying to weld a bank's failing wall. #GOPDebate
— Cory (@CoryUpdate) November 11, 2015

Ben Carson's closing remarks were slightly depressing:

Ben Carson forgot to mention I almost took my life during this debate. #GOPDebate
— aaron blitzstein (@BlitznBeans) November 11, 2015

I listened to Ben Carson for more than ten seconds so now I can't operate heavy machinery.
— Tim Siedell (@badbanana) November 11, 2015