I Did a Random Act of Kindness Every Day For a Week, and Here's What Happened

Unsplash | steve3p_0

When I fell into a deep depression after losing a pregnancy last year, it was the smallest things that lifted my spirits, and helped me get through each day. A smile, a kind word, someone holding a door open for me. Those considerate gestures helped me feel less alone and remember there is still so much good in the world.

With my experience in mind, I decided to perform one random act of kindness each day for a week. My hope was to brighten someone else's day much like people did for me when I really needed it. I expected that helping others would also make me feel good. What I didn't expect was how much approaching my week with the intent to show kindness to others would open up a whole new world. I ended up learning that opportunities to show kindness to others are all around us, if we take the time to look for them.

Read on to see exactly what happened when I did a random act of kindness every day. Here's hoping you'll be inspired, too.

POPSUGAR Photography | Melissa Willets

Day 1

Today, I paid it forward during my morning Starbucks run. Simply paying for a stranger's morning coffee left me feeling as warm as my beloved Venti dark roast.

POPSUGAR Photography | Melissa Willets

Day 2

On the second day, I learned that sometimes, the opportunity to help people finds you. While out boating, my family came across a stranded jet-skier whose ride had died. We offered to tow him back to where he'd launched his jet ski. It turned out to be quite an adventure, but also a great teachable moment for my kids!

POPSUGAR Photography | Melissa Willets

Day 3

After burning the candle at both ends for weeks I'd been feeling jittery and scattered, and I realized I was the one who needed some kindness today. With my baby (and dog) by my side, I rolled out my yoga mat and made time to practice. Just taking a few moments for myself helped me feel calmer and more capable of directing my kindness outward.

POPSUGAR Photography | Melissa Willets

Day 4

Today was a great reminder there are times you simply must help a stranger, quickly and without hesitation. En route to our house after picking my kids up from school, we saw an older woman who had fallen on the sidewalk and was actually bleeding quite badly. She seemed disoriented and unsure about what to do. My oldest daughter ran to get the school nurse, who quickly determined she'd need stitches. I felt so grateful we came across this woman when we did and also that my children witnessed the importance of springing into action when someone needs help.

POPSUGAR Photography | Melissa Willets

Day 5

Today, I showed kindness to Mother Earth. While out walking the dog, I tried to pick up as much trash as possible. Sure, this was just a small gesture, but if everyone collected one piece of garbage, our world would be a cleaner place to live.

POPSUGAR Photography | Melissa Willets

Day 6

I often think about sending flowers to my sister to remind her how much she means to me. Today, I actually did it. And that's the lesson: instead of just thinking about doing something, do it!

POPSUGAR Photography | Melissa Willets

Day 7

I smiled and complimented a stranger on what she was wearing, and it seemed to brighten her morning. Even if it didn't, I know from experience that you never know what someone else is going through and how much a quick smile or a kind word can lift them up, even if it's just for a moment.

POPSUGAR Photography | Melissa Willets

What I Learned

Coming from a place of kindness every day can be life-altering. I see now how opportunities to show kindness to others are hidden in plain sight all around us. I learned that sometimes, yes, you have to go out of your way to perform an act of kindness, but that isn't always the case. Most of the time, being kind to someone simply means doing instead of just considering, or making just slightly more effort than usual. Ultimately, although this experiment was about showing kindness to others, it made me happier, too.

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