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Friday Horoscopes

Today's horoscopes come from our partner

Mar 21 - Apr 19
Apr 20 - May 20
May 21 - June 21
June 22nd - July 22nd
If you're really paying attention, you can get some important clues to people's inner thoughts today. If that seems worthless, consider the last time you were hopelessly confused about someone close.
Art, music and other cultural business has your mind thoroughly occupied today and you should be able to share your interests with those around you. In fact, that might be just the thing to forge a new bond!
You've got lots of big ideas today -- and fortunately, you're surrounded by the right people to help you get moving on them! You might just prime the pump and then walk away, as you've got so much going on.
People are harder to deal with than usual today and you need to try to get them back on your side. That might be tough, but you can do it if you really but your mind to it. Prioritize alliances.
July 23 - Aug 22
Aug 23 - Sept 22
Sept 23 - Oct 22
Oct 23 - Nov 21
You pride yourself on self-reliance, but today you need to reach out and ask for help from someone close. They're only too happy to assist and you should forge a stronger bond between you.
It's time to get serious with your sweetie, your family or even with yourself. Something strikes you as more important than you've realized lately and you ought to be able to make something lasting out of it.
You need to explore the art world a bit -- even if it leaves you cold on other days. It's a good time to find an artist or new form that really speaks to your soul and others might lead the way.
You can feel restrictions easing up and your good energy returning -- it's a good time to coast for a bit until you see the most obvious course of action approaching. Things are just about to pick up!
Nov 22 - Dec 21
Dec 22 - Jan 19
Jan 20 - Feb 18
Feb 19 - Mar 20
You need to lay down the law in some way -- maybe with kids, maybe with coworkers, but as firmly as you can. If you are ignored or worse, you should be able to escalate until things go the right way.
Today is great for advancing at work -- either on a big project or even along your career track. Surprise folks with a new idea or by going for a new gig that seems beyond you -- but isn't.
You've got some great energy today, but you need to make sure to spread it around. It's a really good idea for you to try new activities -- even those you may have been wary of in the past.
It's vital that you balance your work and home lives and today brings a great opportunity to do just that. Most folks are pretty easy-going and won't mind if you sneak off to take care of yourself.
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