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Age to Freeze Sperm

The Shocking Age This Scientist Recommends For Sperm Freezing

When you're 18 years old, having a child isn't the first thought that crosses your mind, much less the idea of having your sperm frozen. But thanks to a British bioethicist, the topic is now gaining steam. Dr. Kevin Smith is urging all 18-year-olds to freeze their sperm for later use in life due to the health risks attached to being an older dad.

According to a study, men are having children later in life — the age has increased from 31 in the early 1990s to 33. "It's time we took seriously the issue of paternal age and its effect on the next generation of children," he told BBC.

Despite Smith's insistence on sperm freezing and a universal sperm bank, Professor Adam Balen, chairman of the British Fertility Society, said there is no need for that or for men to start freezing their sperm at 18.

"Not only does it provide a very artificial approach to procreation, but also a false sense of security as the technology does not guarantee a baby," he said. Balen also noted that frozen sperm were less fertile than fresh ones. Instead, he encouraged supporting young couples to have a career as well as think about having children.

Image Source: Flickr user bertobox
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