This Teacher Put Cycling Machines Under Her Students' Desks to Help Them Concentrate

An indoor cycling class or a North Carolina middle school?! An eighth-grade math teacher from Wake County, NC, was looking for a way to keep her students focused throughout the day and alleviate their need to fidget, which is when she thought of cycling.

At the end of last year, Bethany Lambeth began using desk cycles in her classroom, and the results have been impressive. "Before, they were drumming on their desks, they were touching other people; they don't do that anymore. Their feet are getting the movement out," she told the local news station. "There has been a huge increase in the quality of our students' work and a decrease in the amount of missing work."

Even the students are loving this unique way to let out their energy and squeeze some fitness into their busy days. One student said that before 10 a.m., he pedaled 5.5 miles and burned 133 calories. Fidgeting is undoubtedly an issue for students at any age, and it sounds like this teacher has implemented a legitimate way to keep her kids focused.