I Was Shocked a Dietitian Told Me to Add This 1 Ingredient to My Overnight Oats For Weight Loss

POPSUGAR Photography | Jenny Sugar

Even though I don't eat breakfast because I do intermittent fasting, I still crave breakfast foods; pancakes for dinner is a weekly occurrence in our house. I also love overnight oats for lunch because I can make it the night before in less than five minutes. It's not super filling as is, though, and I always end up needing to eat a couple hours later — until I tried this overnight oats hack.

These 2 Ingredients Are a Must For Weight Loss

When I make overnight oats, I use half a cup of rolled oats. They offer complex carbs for energy, but registered dietitian Leslie Langevin, MS, author of The Anti-Inflammatory Kitchen Cookbook, said oatmeal lacks two things you need in order to feel satisfied: protein and healthy fats.

So I'll mash beans, add protein powder, and use soy or pea protein milk instead of almond milk to increase the protein. For healthy fats, Leslie said seeds like chia or hemp, ground flaxmeal, nuts, nut butters, almond flour, and coconut milk are great add-ons, but avocado was a shocking ingredient she said I could also use. Here's why you should add avocado to your overnight oats and, more importantly, why it actually doesn't taste weird.

POPSUGAR Photography | Jenny Sugar

Why Avocado?

Avocado? At first thought, it sounded way too weird. But then I realized I add avo to my smoothies and smoothie freezer packs, I use it in place of butter for baked goods, and it makes a delicious healthy frosting for cupcakes.

Leslie said healthy fats are essential for weight loss because they "keep us full and satisfied since they are digested slower than carbohydrates." Avocados are one of the foods she recommends clients include to help with weight loss. They're not only great sources of healthy fats, but they also offer fiber, which adds to the satiating feeling.

One-quarter of an avocado is 91 calories (which is about one tablespoon) but offers 4.3 grams of filling fiber. For comparison, one tablespoon of peanut butter (another popular overnight oats ingredient to increase healthy fats) only offers 1.5 grams of fiber and is 100 calories.

Aside from healthy fats and fiber, Leslie said, "avocado adds nutrients like lutein and zeaxanthin, which are good for your eyes."

POPSUGAR Photography | Jenny Sugar

Won't My Oats Look Green and Taste Like Guacamole?

On its own, avocado has such a mild flavor that I could hardly detect it in my jar. That's because the other flavors I added to my overnight oats, including mashed banana, cinnamon, maple syrup, and berries, are what my taste buds focused on most. And it didn't really look as green as I thought it would (not like when I add spinach!). What I did notice was that my overnight oats had an extra creamy texture. Bonus!

POPSUGAR Photography | Jenny Sugar

How Did I Feel?

The added fiber definitely helped me stay fuller longer, as long as I also included protein in my jar, as Leslie recommended. As I'm a huge fan of eating an avocado a day, this was a unique way to get a little 'cado in my diet.

I also felt calmer because I was able to meal prep four jars at one time using one ripe avocado. I mashed the avocado at the bottom of the jar with some banana and cinnamon, then added chia seeds, rolled oats, Ripple Milk, some chopped pecans, and a touch of maple syrup. It was nice knowing I could grab a jar when I was hungry and didn't have to take extra time to make and clean up after my lunch. All I needed was to wash a few berries to add to the top, and I was done!

The extra fiber was also great for my digestion, which helped me feel and look less bloated. With all these health benefits and the extra creamy texture, I'm a huge fan of avocado in my overnight oats. Try it tomorrow morning and see for yourself!

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