Clear Your Sinuses, Be Transported to Your Childhood With These VapoRub Shower Bombs

Etsy | CallieNicoleCarlile

Latinx know VapoRub is basically the remedy to absolutely every sickness you could possibly have. Whether you are healing from a broken heart or just have a stuffy nose, your mom will recommend you slather on a healthy dose of the menthol rub — she'll even provide you with a jar straight out of her purse no matter where you are so you can start healing right away.

If you're a lover of the magical powers of the Vicks ointment, get ready for a level of excitement you've never experienced before, because we've found handmade VapoRub shower bombs. The Etsy creations will allow you to not only breathe in the scent of your childhood but also literally simmer in it as you take a hot shower.

Each shower bomb costs between $2 and $7, and if you ask us, that's the perfect price for a little bit of comfort at the end of a long, sh*tty day, when all you want is to be left alone — oh, yes, but they're also great when you're actually sick with a cold. "Simply place a shower bomb in the tub when you step in the shower, just behind where you usually stand so that the water can run over the bomb and release all the lovely vapors," the seller, CallieNicoleCarlile, wrote on Etsy. Fair warning, though, you don't want to use these in a bath — think about it, soaking in menthol is not a good idea!

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