Tyrion, Podrick, and Bronn Finally Reunite on Game of Thrones, and Fans Got Emotional

Spoilers for Game of Thrones below!

In the midst of all the death, destruction, and highly anticipated boning that goes down during the season seven finale of Game of Thrones, there's also an incredibly sweet reunion between a few key characters. Yes, we were admittedly psyched for Jaime and Brienne to finally come face to face again and for Littlefinger to be reunited with swift and bloody justice, but we could not get enough of the long-awaited meetup of Tyrion, Podrick, and Bronn.

The quip-loving trio have been separated since season four due to the escalating tensions between the Lannisters, Starks, and Targaryens (er, the Targaryen). While Bronn has remained by Jaime's side and even helped him fight off Daenerys's dragon Drogon during the epic battle in "The Spoils of War," Tyrion has been serving on Dany's team, and Podrick has been off learning how to be a knight from Brienne.

Bronn, Tyrion, and Podrick first get together in season two. After an issue involving a stolen ham in the Westerlands, Tywin Lannister sends Podrick to King's Landing to be the faithful squire of his son Tyrion as punishment. Fortunately, Tyrion treats Podrick kindly, and ultimately Podrick proves his worth as a squire and a friend when he saves Tyrion's life during the Battle of the Blackwater by killing the soldier Cersei sends to murder her little brother (that's how Tyrion gets that gnarly scar on his face, remember?).

In season three, Tyrion and Bronn decide to give Podrick a surprise gift for saving Tyrion's life, gifting him with a bunch of money to spend at Littlefinger's brothel (which the women there refuse to take, because Podrick is just that good, apparently). Although the three are clearly the best friends that anyone can have, Tyrion orders Podrick to leave King's Landing in season four after Joffrey's death so he can avoid being arrested. Jaime luckily arranges for Podrick to serve as Brienne's squire, and off they go.

Needless to say, Game of Thrones fans were beyond excited when they finally got screen time together once again in the finale:


— emmaline (@haringtvn) August 28, 2017


— chloe (@jontrgaryen) August 28, 2017

Shout out to #GameOfThrones for giving us a reunion between Tyrion, Pod and Bronn. pic.twitter.com/FVslNolWcT

— Ashley (@ChannelAMS) August 28, 2017

#GameofThrones #ThronesYall
Reunion of Tyrion, Bronn, and Pod pic.twitter.com/rrAfxDFo15

— ThronesYall (@ThronesYall) August 28, 2017

Podrick and Tyrion's reunion pic.twitter.com/l5WiMG6Uf7

— léa / was @woIfgzng (@robbklaus) August 28, 2017

Aww Tyrion and Pod. I love this bromance. Of course it wouldn't be a reunion without mention of his magic cock #GameOfThrones #ThronesYall

— Kristen Metaxas (@kristen4444) August 28, 2017

Podrick and Tyrion reunion. My heart is soaring. #GameofThrones

— Faith D'Isa (@FaithNoMoar) August 28, 2017

podrick x tyrion x bronn i miss that squad

— margot (@riverphioenix) August 28, 2017

@ Are you telling me you felt nothing when the Dothraki came in ululating? Nothing when Tyrion, Bron and Podrick bromanced? The quips? pic.twitter.com/U2mOeow7CD

— Panthera Onca🇿🇦 🐆 (@Hikaru_Khanya) August 28, 2017

Podrick and tyrion meet again wooooo #GameOfThrones

— Rickie Grainger (@grainger_rickie) August 28, 2017

Favorite reunion of the season? Podrick, Tyrion and Bronn. That was pure gold

— Kyle (@kyler413) August 28, 2017