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4-Week No-Equipment Workout Plan Weeks 1 & 3: Full Body

Kayla Itsines's 4-Week No-Equipment Workout Plan Weeks 1 and 3: Full Body

For the full-body strength workout in Kayla Itsines's no-equipment workout plan, you'll do a little bit of everything to help strengthen and tone all over and reach your goals. Since this is your last strength session at the end of the week, your muscles may be a little tired from your other workouts, so be sure to listen to your body. Watch Kayla demonstrate each exercise in the video above, and read how to perform each move below. For the full workout plan for weeks one and three, visit Kayla Itsines's 4-Week No-Equipment Workout Plan Weeks 1 and 3.

4-Week No-Equipment Workout Plan Weeks 1 and 3: Full Body

Complete as many laps of the exercises as possible during each seven-minute circuit, ensuring you maintain proper form. Perform each circuit back to back with one minute of rest in between (start with circuit one, rest for a minute, continue on to circuit two). For beginners, rest for 20 seconds in between each exercise in the circuit. Do each circuit once for 14 minutes of work, or repeat for 28 minutes of work.

Before each workout, start with a dynamic warmup to activate your muscles and get your blood flowing. Then, finish each workout with a cooldown — we like this 10-minute stretching routine.

Circuit 1: 7 Minutes

Exercise Name Reps
Inchworm 10
Push-up and half burpee 10
Jump squat 15
Reverse lunge 24 (12 per side)


  • Stand at the back of your mat with your feet shoulder width apart. Circle your arms out to the sides to reach toward the ceiling. Look up, and feel your chest opening up.
  • Keeping your back straight, bend forward, hinging at your hips to bring your hands to the mat. This position brings length to the back of the legs. If your hamstrings are tight, bend your knees a bit to take tension off the muscles.
  • Walk your hands forward, moving into a plank, and hold each step to stretch your calves a bit. This warms up the shoulders and hands nicely.
  • Hold the plank for a few seconds to really wake up your core.
  • From your plank, walk your hands back to your feet until you are in another forward bend. Slowly roll up to standing, letting your head hang and keeping your neck relaxed. Repeat for 10 reps.

Push-Up and Half Burpee:

  • Place both hands on the floor slightly further than shoulder width apart and both feet together behind you, resting on the balls of your feet.
  • While maintaining a straight back and stabilizing through your abdominals, bend your elbows and lower your torso toward the floor until your arms form a 90-degree angle.
  • Push through your chest and extend your arms to lift your body back into starting position.
  • Jump both of your feet in toward your hands, ensuring your feet remain shoulder width apart.
  • Keeping your bodyweight on your hands, kick both of your feet backward so your legs are completely extended behind you, resting on the balls of your feet.
  • Jump both of your feet in toward your hands again, ensuring your feet remain shoulder width apart.
  • Kick both of your feet backward again so your legs are completely extended behind you, resting on the balls of your feet. Repeat for 10 reps.

Jump Squat:

  • Stand with your feet shoulder width apart.
  • Start by doing a regular squat, engage your core, and jump up explosively.
  • When you land, lower your body back into the squat position to complete one rep. Make sure you land with your entire foot on the ground. Be sure to land as quietly as possible, which requires control.
  • Repeat for 15 reps.

Reverse Lunge:

  • To begin, stand tall with your feet shoulder width apart and your hands at your hips or overhead (hands overhead is the more challenging of the two positions). Take a large and controlled step backward with your left foot.
  • Lower your hips so your right thigh (front leg) becomes parallel to the floor with your right knee positioned directly over your ankle. Your left knee should be bent at a 90-degree angle and pointing toward the floor with your left heel lifted.
  • Return to standing by pressing your right heel into the floor and bringing your left leg forward to complete one rep.
  • Alternate legs, and step back with your right leg. Continue alternating between right and left for 24 reps total (12 on each side).

Circuit 2: 7 Minutes

Exercise Name Reps
Single-leg glute bridge 24 (12 per side)
Russian twist 30 (15 per side)
Side plank and hip lift 24 (12 per side)
Burpee and push-up 10

Single-Leg Glute Bridge:

  • Lie on your back, and place your hands on the floor for stability as you bend one leg and lift the other leg off the ground.
  • Pressing your heel into the floor, lift your pelvis up, keeping your body in a stiff bridge position. Hold for two seconds.
  • Slowly lower your body to the floor. This counts as one rep.
  • Complete 12 reps on each side (24 total).

Russian Twist:

  • Sit on the ground with your knees bent and your heels about a foot from your butt.
  • Slowly recline backward until you feel your lower abs engage. It is really important, and difficult, to keep your back straight, but don't let it curve.
  • Place your arms out in front of you with your hands one on top of the other. Your hands should be level with the bottom of your ribcage.
  • Pull your navel to your spine, and twist slowly to the right. The movement is not large and comes from the ribs rotating, not from your arms swinging. Inhale through center, and rotate to the left. This completes one rep.
  • Do 30 full rotations to complete a set.

Side Plank and Hip Lift:

  • Start by lying lengthways along a yoga mat. Place your right forearm firmly on the floor, ensuring that your elbow is directly below your shoulder and that your forearm is parallel to (in line with) the short edge of your mat.
  • Extend both legs and, using your obliques, gently raise your hips off the mat. Position your feet one on top of each other, or place your left foot on the mat in front of your right — whichever is most comfortable. Gently draw your ribs to your hips to engage your core. This is your starting position.
  • Gently lower your hips toward the mat slightly.
  • Using your obliques, elevate your hips to return to the starting position. Repeat this movement for 12 reps on one side, before completing the remaining time on the other side (24 total).

Burpee and Push-Up:

  • Plant both feet on the floor slightly further than shoulder width apart. Looking straight ahead, bend at both your hips and knees, and place your hands on the floor directly in front of your feet.
  • Keeping your bodyweight on your hands, kick both of your feet backward so your legs are completely extended behind you, resting on the balls of your feet. Your body should be in one straight line from head to toe. This is called push-up position.
  • While maintaining a straight back and stabilizing through your abdominals, bend your elbows and lower your torso toward the floor until your arms form a 90-degree angle.
  • Push through your chest, and extend your arms to lift your body back into push-up position.
  • Jump both of your feet in toward your hands, ensuring your feet remain shoulder width apart.
  • Propel your body upward into the air. Extend your legs below you and your arms above your head. Land in a neutral standing position, ensuring you maintain "soft" knees to prevent injury. Repeat for 10 reps.

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