12 Completely Doable Wellness Resolutions For Each Month of the Year

We've all made New Year's resolutions we couldn't keep. Whether we failed to drop a dress size, land a big promotion at work, or hit the gym seven days a week, there's a good reason most people break their resolutions. Sometimes the goals we set for ourselves are just a tad (or a ton!) too ambitious.

So why not try shaking things up with a different approach this year? Instead of making a laundry list of radical life changes, try choosing realistic goals instead that will be good for your mind, body, and soul. Here are 12 healthy resolutions — one for each month — that are completely doable for anyone in 2020.

January: Just Breathe
Unsplash | Aziz Acharki

January: Just Breathe

Yoga builds strength, increases flexibility, and gives you the added bonus of a perkier butt. It's also a game changer for chronic stress. "Yoga connects us to a moment with breath and anchors our awareness," says Santa Monica-based yoga instructor Desi Bartlett.

February: Raise Your Glass
Unsplash | Jeff Siepman

February: Raise Your Glass

Cheers! Drinking red wine in moderation (ahem, one glass, not one bottle!) has been shown to decrease the risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.

March: Mind Over Matter
Unsplash | Lesly Juarez

March: Mind Over Matter

You don't need to be Deepak Chopra to appreciate the benefits of meditation. Studies show finding your inner bliss regularly — whether it's for five or 50 minutes — reduces stress and improves long-term memory.

April: Find a Workout You Love
Unsplash | Parker Mauk

April: Find a Workout You Love

Between ClassPass, Groupon, and Living Social, there are plenty of ways to find an exercise class you love. So, even if you want to try every new fitness fad out there, you can take everything from HIIT to AcroYoga without breaking the bank.

May: Schedule a Regular Date Night
Unsplash | Priscilla Du Preez

May: Schedule a Regular Date Night

Of course you love your significant other, but between work, kids, and chores, romance is the last thing on your mind. So why not schedule a standing date night to show them you still care? Whether you go to a fancy restaurant or a local dive bar, you'll both be glad you made the extra effort.

June: Throw Out Your Old Makeup
Unsplash | freestocks.org

June: Throw Out Your Old Makeup

Yes, it's easy to forget. But it's better to toss a full tube of mascara after 90 days than it is to risk an eye infection. Keeping old cosmetics — even the expensive stuff — just isn't worth the risk.

July: Dump the Junk
Unsplash | Dan Gold

July: Dump the Junk

Start eating more whole foods. "Be completely honest with yourself that sugar and most processed foods are completely devoid of nutrition," says Robyn O'Brien, bestselling author of The Unhealthy Truth. "Try to eat more dense, satiating foods. The nutrients and high-fat content do an awesome job of tackling cravings."

August: Make Time For Self-Care
Unsplash | Drew Coffman

August: Make Time For Self-Care

Whether it's waking up early to drink a cup of coffee alone or taking a bubble bath after a long day, carving out time for yourself is just as important as taking care of the people you love. So don't be afraid to cancel plans or reschedule with friends the next time you need to relax and recharge.

September: Make a Doctor's Appointment Even When You're Not Sick
Unsplash | Hush Naidoo

September: Make a Doctor's Appointment Even When You're Not Sick

Scheduling an annual physical is the best way to keep track of important health stats like blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood-sugar levels. It's also a great way to get to know your doc, so if an urgent situation does eventually arise, they'll be more likely to squeeze you in for a same-day appointment.

October: Don't Be Afraid to Delegate
Unsplash | Patrick Perkins

October: Don't Be Afraid to Delegate

There's a lot of pressure to do it all, but you don't need to be Superwoman anymore. There are plenty of ways to outsource these days. Ask a coworker to pitch in, hire a babysitter, or simply book an online concierge service like TaskRabbit to help finish your to-do list — without sacrificing all of your free time.

November: Get a Boost of Collagen
Unsplash | Jonathan Perez

November: Get a Boost of Collagen

No, we aren't talking Botox here. There was a good reason collagen was one of the hottest new health supplements in 2017. Although there's no scientific evidence showing it will give you shinier hair or plumper skin, studies have suggested adding a collagen vitamin to your diet can help boost bone and joint health naturally.

December: Invest in Cute Workout Clothes
Unsplash | Toby Marshman

December: Invest in Cute Workout Clothes

Yes, working out is all about feeling good. But you'll be more motivated to hit the gym if you look good too. So try out this season's hottest athleisure trends — like thermal hoodies, strappy sports bras, and moto-chic leggings — that can easily transition from the studio to the street.