5 Quick and Easy Breakfasts For Busy Weekday Mornings

POPSUGAR Photography | Lizzie Fuhr
POPSUGAR Photography | Lizzie Fuhr

In my world, breakfast is not an option — it's a necessity. When I don't start the day with a high-protein meal, I become ravenous before 11 a.m., and my energy is shot. Luckily, cooking and enjoying a healthy and filling breakfast doesn't have to be a huge production in the morning. These five light and filling recipes are all ready on the table in 15 minutes or less.

English-Muffin Breakfast Pizza
POPSUGAR Photography | Lizzie Fuhr

English-Muffin Breakfast Pizza

Get the recipe: breakfast pizza

Paleo Breakfast Bowl
POPSUGAR Photography | Lizzie Fuhr

Paleo Breakfast Bowl

Get the recipe: Paleo breakfast bowl

Single-Serve Protein Pancake
POPSUGAR Photography | Lizzie Fuhr

Single-Serve Protein Pancake

Get the recipe: protein powder pancake

Hard-Boiled Eggs and Avocado
POPSUGAR Photography | Lizzie Fuhr

Hard-Boiled Eggs and Avocado

Yogurt Melon Bowl
POPSUGAR Photography | Lizzie Fuhr

Yogurt Melon Bowl