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Kari Pearce CrossFit Ab Workout

CrossFit Games Athlete Kari Pearce Shares the 5 Exercises She Uses to Strengthen Her Abs

If you've ever watched a CrossFit athlete compete, it's truly inspiring to see how incredibly strong they are. So when six-time CrossFit Games athlete Kari Pearce wanted to share a CrossFit ab workout, we couldn't wait to try it! This workout includes five of her "favorite ab exercises," and it's equipment free, so you can do it at home, at the gym, or while traveling.

CrossFit involves many gymnastics-based movements, and as a professional athlete and trainer with 18 years of experience as an elite gymnast, Pearce said gymnasts and CrossFitters alike can use these five moves in their training. Although these are bodyweight-only exercises, that doesn't mean they're not intense. "They will challenge your abs in a way that you have never felt before no matter what level you are at," Pearce told POPSUGAR. These dynamic exercises will target your deep stabilizing core muscles and your obliques, as well as your hip flexors, glutes, shoulders, chest, and triceps.

And remember that every little bit adds up, Pearce said. So many people say they are too tired to work out or don't have time, but the workout below is just 10 minutes. "The next time you don't feel like working out, just get started, and I promise you won't regret it," she said.

10-Minute CrossFit Bodyweight Ab Workout by Kari Pearce

Equipment needed: None

Directions: This is a great workout to tack onto a cardio or HIIT workout. Complete the five exercises below for the designated number of reps and sets. Perform all the sets in one exercise before moving on to the next exercise. After the workout, cool down with this 10-minute stretching routine.

Exercises Number of sets
Hollow body hold 4 sets of 30 seconds
Crossbody V-up 3 sets of 20 reps (10 on each side)
Spider-Man push-up 4 sets of 12 reps (6 on each side)
Plank walkout 4 sets of 6 reps
Squat thrust + plank jack 4 sets of 15 reps

Read on for directions on how to do each bodyweight exercise.

Image Source: Kari Pearce

Hollow Body Hold

  • Begin on your back with your legs straight and your arms extended overhead. If it's too difficult with straight legs, modify the exercise by bending your knees. You can also bring your arms by your sides.
  • Actively press your lower back into the floor and draw your belly button into your spine.
  • Inhale to slowly lift your shoulders, arms, and legs off the floor. Keep your hands and heels as low to the ground as possible, while still pressing your lower back into the floor. Maintain tight abs and glutes.
  • Hold like this for 30 seconds. Repeat for a total of four holds.
Image Source: Kari Pearce

Crossbody V-Ups

  • Begin on your back with your legs straight and your arms extended overhead. Lift your shoulders and legs off the floor, keeping your lower back pressed firmly on the floor. This is the starting position. If this is too difficult, rest your heels on the floor. If that's still too hard, bend your knees and place your feet flat on the floor.
  • Raise your right leg and left arm, twisting slightly to touch your fingers to your toes.
  • Return back to the starting position. Repeat on the other side, touching your left toes with your right fingers.
  • Return back to the starting position. This counts as two reps.
  • Continue alternating sides for 20 reps. Complete three sets total.
Image Source: Kari Pearce

Spider-Man Push-Ups

  • Start in a traditional plank position with your hands under your shoulders and your body in one straight line.
  • As you bend your elbows to lower your torso into a push-up, bend your left knee to touch your left elbow. Keep going down until your chest touches the floor. Right when your chest touches the floor is when your knee should meet your elbow.
  • As you straighten your arms, return to plank position bringing your left foot next to your right. If this is too difficult, instead of simulataneously doing a push-up and the knee-to-elbow touch, do a complete push-up and when you return back to plank, touch your left knee to your left elbow.
  • Repeat this move on the other side. This counts as two reps. Complete four sets of 12 reps (six on each side).
Image Source: Kari Pearce

Plank Walkout

  • Begin in plank position with your shoulders over your wrists and your torso in one straight line.
  • Keep your abs engaged as you slowly walk your hands out in front of you. Go as far as you can while maintaining a tight core without your hips sagging down. As you get stronger, you'll be able to walk your hands out farther, with the goal being to touch your nose to the floor!
  • Slowly walk your hands back to plank position. This counts as one rep.
  • Complete four sets of six reps.
Image Source: Kari Pearce

Squat Thrust With Plank Jack

  • Begin standing with your feet together.
  • Lower into a crouching squat with your hands on the floor.
  • Keeping your abs engaged, jump your feet back so you're in plank position. While in plank, jump both feet out wide (or step one out at a time). Jump or step them back together.
  • Keeping your arms straight, jump your feet forward to your hands.
  • Stand up tall and jump high. This counts as one rep.
  • Complete four sets of 15 reps.
Image Source: Kari Pearce

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