11 Supersimple Ways to Make Your Home Smell So Fresh and So Clean

Have you ever come home from a long day of work, stepped through your door, and noticed that your home smells a little musty? Between lingering food smells from the kitchen, damp towels in the bathroom, and other day-to-day activities, there are lots of things that contribute to your home smelling a little less than fresh. It happens to the best of us, but luckily it's an easy fix! DIY air fresheners, houseplants aplenty, and some essential cleaning tips are some of our favorite ways to get a fresh home that smells amazing.

Burn a Candle
POPSUGAR Photography | Sheila Gim

Burn a Candle

Scented candles add a whole lot of coziness to your room and can make your entire home smell fresh or festive, depending on the scent you choose! Try this DIY soy candle to get a fresh scent while skipping the harsh chemicals.

DIY an Essential Oil Diffuser
A Beautiful Mess

DIY an Essential Oil Diffuser

Candles should never be left unattended, so if you want something that you don't have to pay much attention to, DIY an essential oil diffuser instead. They can make your home smell great for months and you can choose your own scents.

Deep-Clean Your Bathroom
Studio McGee

Deep-Clean Your Bathroom

How often do you actually deep-clean your bathroom? You should really try to get behind all those nooks and crannies that you don't always pay attention to once a week. Without a good, regular deep clean, your bathroom will eventually start to smell.

Get an Air Purifier
Love Grows Wild

Get an Air Purifier

There are lots of things to love about air purifiers, from getting rid of harmful pollutants in your home to making your home less dusty. They also help contribute to a crisp, fresh smell in your home.

Make a DIY Air Freshener
A Beautiful Mess

Make a DIY Air Freshener

During the Winter, when it's not really possible to crack a window for fresh air, try a DIY air freshener instead. You can also use them to freshen up fabrics and get rid of musty smells.

Bake Some Bread
Damn Delicious

Bake Some Bread

What can make your home smell better than baking a fresh loaf of bread? There are plenty of simple bread recipes out there, like this no-knead rosemary bread recipe that will instantly make your home smell amazing.

Display Lavender
Getty | Shih Wei Wang / EyeEm

Display Lavender

There are so many different ways to use lavender around the house but the easiest way? Throw a bundle into your favorite vase and place it in a specific room or area in your home that needs freshening up.

Simmer Your Favorite Scents
POPSUGAR Photography | Anna Monette Roberts

Simmer Your Favorite Scents

One of the best air fresheners you can make is one on your stove. Combine your favorite scents, like citrus, cinnamon, cloves, or anything else you like, and simmer it on the stove in some water for as long as you like.

Use Houseplants
Sarah Hearts

Use Houseplants

It's no secret that houseplants are one of the best natural air purifiers on the market! Many houseplants help to produce more oxygen in your home while ridding the air of toxic chemicals and carbon monoxide, giving your home a fresher scent.

Make Dryer Balls
POPSUGAR Photography

Make Dryer Balls

DIY dryer balls are a great, less toxic alternative to dryer sheets, but you can use them in similar ways. Put them strategically around your home, like in your linen closet or in your drawers, to keep things smelling super fresh!