Mom Gained Serious Perspective on "Fed Is Best" After Her Son Was Sick

One mom is taking the breastfeeding versus formula feeding debate and completely throwing it out the window. This mom, who goes by Sjb1985 on Reddit, is preaching "fed is best," because after her son was sick, she fed him in three different ways — which all kept him healthy and thriving.

The thankful mom took to Reddit to share with other users why she's so grateful for formula, pumping, and nursing.

First off, my first son was born with high bilirubin levels. . . . So I'd like to take a moment and send a thank you out to formula. Formula allowed my son the nutrients necessary to thrive while also getting his bilirubin levels down. Without formula, we might have been in the hospital much longer or we could have had issues with the bilirubin crossing the blood-brain barrier. So I advocate for formula feeding mommies.

Secondly, while we were in the hospital, I relied on a pump. The breast pump allowed me to keep my supply up so when we were ready for sole breastfeeding I had the ability to feed him what he needed. I also utilized the pump at about four weeks postpartum until the year mark so my son would have breast milk for day care. So I advocate for mamas who express breast milk for their little ones.

I also breastfed when I was with my little one after his initial hospital stay. I woke up nights, I sat through those cluster feedings, and I struggled through supply issues. So I advocate for moms who breastfeed.

Because all three methods of feeding were in some way responsible for keeping her son healthy while also helping her to achieve her breastfeeding goals, she can't help but appreciate all the ways babies can be fed. "So I support all mommies that feed their babies so their bellies are full, so they can grow and smile, so they can enjoy their first steps, and so those mommies can support their babies financially," she wrote. "I've got your back because you are a great mommy!"