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Best Once Upon a Time Couple of 2016

Which Once Upon a Time Couple Is Your Favorite?

Once Upon a Time is certainly filled with some epic love stories, but we want to know which is your favorite. Are you a Captain Swan shipper? Do you live for Outlaw Queen? Or is your OTP a bit more underrated?

Note: The winner as of 11:59 p.m. on Dec 27 is Regina and Robin Hood! Your votes will no longer be counted.

Image Source: ABC
Which Once Upon a Time Couple Is Your Favorite?
Regina and Robin Hood
Captain Hook and Emma
Snow White and Prince Charming
Rumple and Belle
Dorothy and Ruby
Aladdin and Jasmine
Hercules and Meg
Henry and Violet
Zelena and Hades
Rumple and the Evil Queen
Image Source: ABC
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