8 Relationship Tips Your Latina Mom Has Probably Given You


My Latina mom loves to give advice left and right. Whether she's telling me how to clean the apartment I pay for or things I should always do when I'm in a relationship, she doesn't ever quit trying to tell me how to live my life. It doesn't matter if I didn't ask for her tips, because they're coming either way. This is everything she has told me about love . . . you might relate.

Don’t Jump Into a Relationship With Just Anyone

"Not everyone is worthy of being with a queen like you." She's right about this one.

Never Let Them Get in Your Pants . . . Unless You Are Married

According to your mom, once you give it up, they'll leave you. Latina moms are notorious for taking things to the extreme.

Don't Tell Them If You Have Any Family Drama

"It's none of their business. You wash your dirty laundry at home, not out on the streets."

They Better Make More Money Than You

"It's important to know that your partner is going to be able to take care of you," says your mom who is stuck in a previous century when women don't work or make their own money.

Their Money Is Your Money, and Your Money Is Your Money

How is that fair? But your mom always said to keep that secret stash on the side and not to let them know about it!

Always Wake Up Before Them

"Brush your teeth and apply a little makeup so you look presentable." *Eye-roll*

Keep Them Fed

We actually prefer when they have dinner on the table for us when we get home from work.

YouTuber user HaddawayVEVO

Love Isn't the Most Important Thing

"It's more important to feel safe and taken care, and love will eventually come." Wait, what?!

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