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Next Up, Portion Ingredients For Salads and Smoothies

For your three salads and three smoothies, you'll want to make ready-to-go packs that'll help you save time during the week.

Smoothie Packs

Depending on your goals, your smoothie formula will vary. To keep this general, I've created a smoothie pack designed for general wellness.

  1. Grab three Ziploc baggies and fill each of them with 1 1/2 to 2 cups of frozen fruit of your choice.
  2. In separate containers (such as mason jars), portion out 1 1/2 to 2 cups of almond milk, coconut milk, or juice, and one to two scoops of protein powder or collagen. Whisk or shake to adequately blend without clumps, and set aside in the refrigerator.
  3. When you're ready to make your smoothie, throw a cup of spinach or greens in the base of your blender, then your pack of frozen fruits, and finally the protein-milk mixture.

Salad Packs

Salads can be tricky because you don't want veggies to wilt or wither after they're chopped and exposed to air. The easiest thing you can do is make portioned greens-only packs, and keep your dressings, wet toppings, and dry ingredients separate.

  1. In three separate food storage containers, portion two cups of leafy greens for each of your salad bases.
  2. You can chop or add in some of your vegetables (cherry tomatoes, carrots, etc.), but others dry out or brown (like sliced cucumber and avocado), so you may want to wait on those. Add in any pre-sliced toppings to your base packs. Store these in your refrigerator.
  3. If you have wet toppings such as artichoke hearts or olives, keep them in a wet toppings container or baggy.
  4. In separate baggies or containers, portion your nuts and seeds, dried fruit, and any other dry toppings for your salad. Set aside with your salad packs and topping packs in the refrigerator.
  5. In my opinion, salads are best when they're assembled the day of, so when you're ready to take your salad to work or wherever you're headed, put everything together except your dressing. Dress it when you're ready to eat!