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Pumpkin Spice Menu at Dunkin' Donuts 2016

Swoon Over Dunkin' Donuts's EPIC Lineup For Pumpkin Spice Season

As we pack away our white jeans and bikinis and face the reality that is the end of Summer, we remember the silver lining of it all — it's pumpkin spice season and it's arrived way earlier than usual. Dunkin' Donuts just announced that they were not only going to be the first franchise with pumpkin spice products, but that they've also revamped their menu since last season, and it looks delicious.

The best part about it? They've already started introducing their Fall-flavored coffees and treats across the United States and they will be available nationwide before Aug. 29. With the McCafe Pumpkin Spice Latte hitting McDonald's locations across the country on Aug. 31, we can already tell it's going to be one competitive, flavor-filled season.

Dunkin' Donuts's menu doesn't stop at pumpkin spice coffee for their seasonal flavors. They've added salted caramel coffee varieties, pumpkin spice glazed doughnuts, pumpkin spice bite-size munchkins, pumpkin muffins with white icing and streusel crumbs, pumpkin K-Cup pods, and ground pumpkin coffee.

They've taken on all the pumpkin spice competition with their release date and menu, and we couldn't be more excited to try everything!

Image Source: Dunkin' Donuts
Which pumpkin spice latte are you most excited about this year?
Dunkin' Donuts
Image Source: Dunkin' Donuts
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