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What Late-Night Food Are You?

What Is Your Drunk Food Alter Ego?

Last call has come and gone, you're a few drinks deep, and you have an overwhelming case of the drunchies. Now's time for a tough question: which late-night delight is your spirit food? Pizza? Poutine? A pint of ice cream from the bodega? Take our quiz to find out!

Source: Instagram users baddieboii11 and georgepeck76; Front Page

Image Sources: Shutterstock and Instagram user vanessaassaa

It's Friday night. What are you doing?

Obsessing over DIY projects on Pinterest
At a dive bar
Dancing at the club
Getting cocktails at that buzzy new spot
On a pub crawl
On a blind date

Pick your poison:

Red wine
Craft beer
Tequila shots
Rum and coke
Whiskey, neat

Your most-used hashtag is:

I don't use hashtags

Pick a color, any color:

Describe yourself in one word:


Pick a Disney princess:

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